
Although it is still a sword, the eternal love contained in it is by no means simple as imagined. The black dress person is also surprised. "Hey, this move seems to be different." When I heard the words of the black dress person, Zhang Tao’s face appeared a little disdainful smile, which was not the same. I’ve become stronger myself, too much.

The black fog still surrounds the emotional shock wave like the waves, but this time it is not so simple to want to eliminate it. "Ha, ha, ha, the eternal love" Zhang Tao was surprised that the black dress person hit the mystery, but did not stop attacking himself. In the emotional shock wave, there was his pursuit and his understanding.
"Swallow the sky!" This time, for the first time, the black man in black made a move. Suddenly, the black fog spread firm but gentle like the sea, just like chopping black gas in the vast sea and surrounding firm but gentle with several hands, just like putting firm but gentle in a box, even though it was immortal in previous lives, it still couldn’t hold on in the face of such swallowing.
"hmm?" Suddenly, two thin black lines came quickly, and Zhang Tao hurriedly sidestepped, only to find that the thin lines were actually tracking, but Zhang Taoshen appeared hazy twists and turns! Instead, the black thread was swallowed.
"field? Haha, Zhang Tao, you are really different. "I didn’t expect this black dress person to be able to see through himself at first, but I was completely confused about this."
Love firm but gentle gradually disappear Zhang Tao simply give up this recruit body move magic step has been practiced to the degree of fantasy mind move confused day!
As the saying goes, seeing with an open mind distinguishes reality! If heart to heart can cover up, then everything in this world is false, and Zhang Tao has lost all traces like people evaporating.
Men in black can feel an amazing chill coming from the top of their heads, and suddenly the black fog is scattered and Zhang Tao’s face is cold. "Want to escape? Cold and cold ice! " In an instant, counting the ice crystals will seal the scattered black fog, and you can see clearly what is in the ice crystals.
"Did you catch it?" Zhang Tao will take back the blue dream, regardless of whether it really succeeds in defeating the black dress person’s feet, a little bit on the ice, and his figure flashes quickly and flies towards Lianyun Mountain.
What is needed now is not to defeat the men in black, but to come to the mountain of animals for a second when you fight for it, so that you will win, so that the men in black will have to return the poison cloud to yourself.
Zhang Tao didn’t forget the real purpose of his game even though he hated this man in black. The ice crystal of Zhang Tao exploded a second ago, and the black fog slowly became human.
It’s terrible that there is no such thing as a cold world. "Run, run, talk about it. If you work hard, the winner of this game is me, Zhang Tao, and you will lose."
Zhang Tao naturally couldn’t hear the words of the men in black. Even if he did, he wouldn’t mean "Lianyun Mountain!" Soon Zhang Tao appeared in front of a happy because he had walked through the mountains, but this time Zhang Tao appreciated the scenery and flew past as fast as lightning.
"How is that possible?" Just as Zhang Tao just flew over Lianyun Mountain, suddenly a black fog flashed across Zhang Tao. He was surprised and was kicked in the face and danced like a gyro. Finally, the mountain wall crashed into a huge pothole.
"Are you surprised Zhang Tao? Are you and I not absolutely sure that we will test our feet with you? You’re really fast, but I’ll pay you back, "said the man in black looking at the hole."
But in the pothole, there is a response of "huh?" This time, the black dress person was also surprised, and a black fog rushed into the cave with a palm of his right hand, and suddenly the whole mountain exploded violently.
But Zhang Tao was nowhere to be seen. In fact, Zhang Tao had already made a mirage and fled invisibly. He couldn’t feel the breath of Zhang Tao. The black dress person was still surprised that he didn’t think of Zhang Tao, but he had a golden cicada under his eyelids.
"Well, you Zhang Tao, that’s just what makes it interesting, isn’t it?" Black dress person dissipates in the air again.
Entering overseas, Lu Zhangtao is still flying at a high speed despite the bad weather. It’s only two days since the game, and Zhang Tao has already seen the passage.
"This man in black can come to the front one step ahead of me every time. I hope that the animals in the mountain can help me stop him for a while, even if it is half a column of incense." Although the strange black fog is really powerful, Zhang Tao can also put his hopes back.
"I don’t have time to queue up." Looking at the long queue entering the channel, Zhang Tao’s face changed slightly and he finally bit his teeth. If it is still silly to queue up, he can lose this game than Chapter 58 to reach the animal mountain.
Reincarnation is to receive Zhang Taogen one by one, regardless of the 3721 change. The powerful momentum is like a strong wind blowing people around them upside down. If they don’t respond, someone will fall from the sky and be a saint!
You know, the saints in this marginal city are rare, and there is a deterrent effect. Zhang Tao grabbed the true qi with one hand and immediately took the reincarnation in his hand, regardless of their surprised eyes, and then jumped directly into the channel
Even entering the channel will take a long time to get to the exotic animal mountain outside the country, but the land outside the country is much bigger than the vast country. Even if Zhang Tao travels at a continuous speed, he is a little tired, but Zhang Tao can’t delay taking out a Dan medicine from Mishu Tower for a moment, and then he is exhausted and swept away, while Zhang Tao’s speed is a layer higher.
But for a moment, Zhang Tao suddenly found that men in black were coming again! This was impossible, but it happened again and again. Zhang Tao also had to calmly wonder if he had learned some secret methods with himself.
Otherwise, every time he is so far ahead, he can easily follow? This time, Zhang Tao is prepared and will not be easily kicked by him.
Gently bow your head and hide from your left hand, but quietly grab his foot and right elbow and directly hit his thigh. When the black man eats pain, Zhang Taoli throws it away and throws it hard towards the ground.
However, he suddenly turned into a black fog. It seems that there is no physical weird speed. He came to the side of Zhang Tao and instantly condensed a swing. Zhang Tao hid his left hand and instantly grabbed his wrist and right arm to attack the men in black. It takes a little force to break immediately here.
But the men in black cleverly hid Zhang Tao from attacking Zhang Tao, but he wouldn’t simply let go of his knees and raised his middle abdomen, but he was blocked by the men in black. The men in black hey hey smiled and counted the black fog. "Since you want to die, I will annex you."
Although the black fog surrounded itself, Zhang Tao did feel a burst of force. These fogs seemed to have life and entered the pores, meridians and orifices, but all the true qi was swallowed.
See men in black eyes Zhang Tao weak smile suddenly body five kinds of heaven and earth cold broke out, men in black seems to feel something is wrong, just want to return to Zhang Tao is how simple a cold smile?
Amazing cold broke out along Zhang Tao’s body. The five kinds of heaven and earth cold are really terrible "burning ice flames!" Zhang Tao flicked a bullet and a flame flew out. The pupil of the black dress person contracted and he wanted to escape as black smoke, but he was trapped by Zhang Tao.
"ah!" This time, the extreme cold flame, the black dress person gave a scream, and the black fog and the entity seemed to be constantly changing. Zhang Tao’s fingers were a little cold and water!
But the man in black was angry. "You give me enough is enough!" Black fog seems to have met with provocation, and it broke out constantly, swallowing all the fire, cold, frost and flames, and then hiding from Zhang Tao, attacking far away from consciousness and Zhang Tao. "Five kinds of heaven and earth are cold? Zhang Tao, you are really extraordinary. When I swallow you one day, I am the Dongyue mainland, and no one can surpass it. "
"Do you think you can do it?" Zhang Tao knew that this man in black had great ambition, and if he was not stopped, it would inevitably become a nightmare for the whole Dongyue mainland, and even Atlantis mainland would be affected by the wave.
"Wipe your eyes, Zhang Tao, just like this game." The black dress person disappeared again. Zhang Tao looked a clot and did not dare to hesitate to fly quickly towards the animal mountain.
It’s drizzling in a gray day, but Zhang Tao is not really isolated, because every strength is moving forward at a high speed, and dare not neglect the slightest. Zhang Tao soars again with elasticity, and the surrounding trees and leaves are full of water droplets, not only black long hair, but also the surrounding leaves shake and the water droplets pour like a bigger downpour.
Dense virgin forests are full of fine raindrops. In such a humid environment, the speed of Zhang Tao is still not reduced, but this slippery condition increases the speed.
Worried, Zhang Tao has come to the wild animal mountain, towering in the distance, so that Zhang Tao can see hope.
"You must stop him." Zhang Tao has put all his hopes in his heart. If the original law stops him and lets him arrive first, the game will be lost by himself.
It’s almost half a month since I played games with men in black to the mountain of animals. Even so, I was chased several times. At this time, Zhang Tao let the aura of heaven and earth attract attention and instantly introduce into the body.
The momentum of the instantaneous Zhang Tao changed greatly, which made many animals around feel uneasy. The violent force made the surrounding rain blow away. In an instant, a dry zone appeared in the 100-meter class, and the raindrops of the surrounding trees were also blown around.
With more powerful strength, Zhang Tao’s speed broke out again like a rocket. Looking closer and closer to the original body, Zhang Tao had no excitement in his heart.
Because Zhang Tao knows that this black dress person may have surpassed himself, his strange and unpredictable speed is definitely not so simple to jilt.
"Is it Zhang Tao?" At this time, Li Qiuxiong and the mixed animals in the mountain were sure enough. They let the animals see that Zhang Tao was in such a hurry and flew rapidly here. Naturally, he did not want to be disturbed by animals.
The discovery of animals all the way automatically let Zhang Tao know that this is the original, so that he has hope. "Is he really behind me?" Zhang Tao found that there was no problem in the calm of the mountain of animals. Obviously, this black dress person will come in the future.
"Does he want me to attract animals so that he can sneak in?" There is no breath behind Zhang Tao’s observation, and doubts in his heart are expanding. What is going on?