
"The world of mortals is like a prison, and all beings suffer."

"samsara is more than worry."
"Have mercy on me, the world has come down from heaven."
"Give birth to an old mother, my hometown!"
The vast fairy shines brightly, praising the mother’s prayer, and the legal manifestation of the poor road shakes all the golden wolves in the underground palace, and the temple is shattered. Luo Menghong rides the totem and the golden pillar changes and flies back.
But this place was shrouded in the magical power of his mother for a while, and he couldn’t get away with it by his present strength.
Even more than he can feel his mother’s avatar breath suppressing himself at this time.
Can see this great power monstrous avatar surrounded by shattered chaotic legal breath Luo Menghong also dare not leave a hand.
After the incarnation of Bai Lianjin, the extremely holy ancestor method is a road to turn hundreds of gods into gods to display their divine domain and resist the external struggle.
However, nowadays, this is the strongest means of giving birth to a mother. Can this blow be easily stopped?
If it weren’t for Qingwei’s side, she would have to be ready to leave, even if she was deeply concerned.
The extremely holy ancestor method is majestic and sacred, but it has not been separated from the scope of the White Lotus Sutra left by the mother. Even if it is combined with the magical power of the Golden Wolf totem, it is not small at this time.
Luo Menghong’s holy white lotus is born and died constantly, but it still appears somewhat weak in the face of the truth.
The breath of the golden wolf outside the totem golden pillar floated back slightly, and then the whole thing was integrated into the extremely holy ancestor method, and finally the old mother avatar stabilized the situation in a few minutes.
However, the "true annihilation" of giving birth to an old mother can be described as a prototype of a top-level magical power. Now, although it is ingenious, its power seems to incite virtual robbery to destroy everything in the red world
There was a flash of admiration in Qingwei’s eyes. "It’s a great fairy. Now you can have this power only by the fairy body!"
"Taoist friends are ridiculous."
It’s obvious that being close to Qingwei can give her a sense of security.
After the "explosion", she is now generally immortal. How can she feel at ease without finding a safe place?
However, seeing that Luo Menghong can’t resist the true annihilation force on his own, he finally took out a pure white picture, and the two of them couldn’t help laughing in their hearts.
Wait for it-the coffin of the old mother, the root of life, and the pure land map of the white lotus!
With the pure white scroll slowly, the pure land of Zhang Yifang White Lotus immediately appeared, and the white lotus emerged. Among the Buddhist sounds, several powerful breath annihilation forces lived in the successful place.
"There is still no reaction to forcibly recall the magic weapon."
The mother’s face is gloomy and clear, and she looks at the pure land. The eyes are dark and shining, and the insight is intended to look directly at the source by blocking it.
A heavy ban on the French Open is the legal rule of the pure land of the White Lotus. At first glance, it doesn’t feel like it. However, when the Qing Yuan God’s immortal charm entered the body, the eyebrows were looming and the chaotic eyes became obvious, and he realized that the pure land was somewhat dark and strange.
"Old mother, please look."
Qing Wei immediately shared the perspective, which made the old mother frown.
"This force … evil heretics! Seems to be a big since monty road "
"The thief who bullied the teacher and destroyed his ancestors should really be killed!"
Angry with my mother, cursing in my heart, the road became more and more crooked, and her name plummeted.
Who didn’t praise the White Lotus Bodhisattva for her compassion?
Now he has directly colluded with the external forces of the nine evil spirits!
"It’s a little impossible for me to ban the Golden Body Union because of the great magic road."
It’s not that my mother looked down on the magic road from heaven, but this power was only developed by the evil spirits in the Middle Ages.
I am an excellent fairy!
Qingwei smell speech looked around and observed for a moment. With the power of pure land revealed, he could also see more. He vaguely noticed a dark and strange magic weapon Yuan Ling imprinted in the depths of the scroll.
"My mother doesn’t know."
"The nine evil spirits who have been inherited by the heavenly magic road have achieved something."
"Not surprisingly, the contemporary Taoist master, the demons and the Taoist priests have made a connection."
Seeing Luo Menghong put away the scroll, his eyes sank slightly, and his thoughts kept turning, and he never forgot to tell his mother a "good news."
A heart sank instantly and my mother had to suspect that her golden body was being stared at.
There is obviously no need to scare yourself as a weak fairy.
"Directly to the magic weapon Yuan Lingshou really curbed my golden body …"
"Real people help me!"
Chapter five hundred and ninety-seven Ten Bodhisattva evil spirits move
The White Lotus Pure Land Map, a magic weapon, was originally refined from the main material of the Pure Land of the White Lotus Virgin Bodhisattva. It seems that the status is not high, but it is consumed by all the efforts to maintain the life experience of the Bodhisattva in the depths of the Pure Land.
It is indeed an effective method to influence the bodhisattva’s golden body through the magic weapon Yuanling, which is the spiritual transformation of the bodhisattva’s golden body
In today’s deepest pure land, it is impossible to say whether the Bodhisattva Golden Body has any other means.
"My golden body is the most authentic Buddhist bodhisattva fruit in Shengsi. Although it is beyond the will, even if the golden body can be stimulated by the evil spirits all the way, it will definitely fight back."
I can’t help but speculate that "according to what Daoyou just said, it has achieved the goal of saying that the demon god can penetrate into the nine deep and remote places, but many restrictions will surely lead to a positive suppression of my golden body."
"So I guess they probably restricted the pure land by using the magic weapon Yuanling to block the connection between the golden body and the outside world, but didn’t directly play against the golden skill."
Qingwei nodded slowly and felt that it made sense to give birth to an old mother. From the first layer of the nether world in Jiuyou, the arrival power to the ten continents is not small, especially those originated from the evil spirits in Jiuyou.
At the beginning, it was difficult to reveal the strength that can easily suppress the extremely immortal golden body, although God did not know which floor he was on.
From this point of view, the trick may be the biggest.


But he didn’t refuse after hesitating for a while. After all, the three of them really almost thought about it, as if they didn’t know anyone except this Taoist priest.

"So thank you, Daoyou!"
Qing Wei smiled casually. "You’re welcome. After all, I don’t know how many years it will take for me to succeed in deduction if it weren’t for the generosity of Taoist friends."
Isn’t it sweet to save several opportunities to understand one’s own roots?
Said the old peacock qingwei eyes is a great man!
"That man is the dragon king of the West Sea, and now you gentlemen who are carrying Bibo Lake might as well go and have a try if you are interested, and you can find a suitable place. After all, how can we get the dragon to know the four seas?"
Kong Ling three people also think this discussion is good after some communication.
"So thank you, Daoyou!" Kong Ling gave a smile.
Jiao Saner and Jiao Jiu-Er also thanked Qingwei. It would be beneficial to doubt that they are in the sea where Xiaolong lives.
Yu Kongling is not so picky. After all, no matter how bad the environment is, can it compare with the Northern Wilderness?
Then Qingwei took out a white jade slip and left it to Kong Ling.
Seeing the three people leave, Qingwei raised his hand again. Now that the family has come back, Li Jingxiu has to ask some questions about his academic practice.
On the other hand, when he came to Li Shangyin’s abode of fairies and immortals, he found that the master was leisurely drinking tea.
Wearing a wooden crown and wearing an aura robe, all the hair and hair turned black, and the qi was extremely concise and solid.
"The combination of blood and soul and the return of true spirit is definitely not a problem."
The achievement method of the Middle Way Foundation is not a big problem. It is embarrassing. It is possible to practice and it is not enough when practicing.
Now it’s not bad that Li Shang’s scenery is perfect, even if he rises steadily, he will have a chance to advance
"Sweeping chardonnay clothes are refined, and the crown on the top of the head is also a good spirit device, and the waist is the best bundle of fairy ropes, right? Boots are also good things tut tut. "
Li Shangyin greeted him with a smile when he saw Qingwei coming in. "I haven’t seen you for many years, and this repair has surpassed me."
Looking at the skinny and lifeless person in the past, Li Shangyin followed with a smile. "It’s just that you got some more chances and you seem to have gained a lot in recent years."
"That’s right! Your refining device in the cloud is really extraordinary, and it is also of great help to self-repair. In recent years, the spirit device has been refined and repaired, but it has improved a lot. "
Speaking of this, Li Shangyin is very satisfied with his face.
Is there no shortage of spiritual weapons? I wonder who is so honored.
Then see Li Shangyin take out a red belt Jin Jiu dragon ferocious entrenched glass cover suddenly there is a hot breath.
Kowloon shenhuo hood!
Li Shangyin caressed his beard and smiled with color. "This Kowloon Shenhuo cover is one of the best attacks in the spirit device in the Refined Device in the Cloud. Although you may not be able to reach it now, it is also my intention."
A true qi was taken over the Kowloon Shenhuo hood, and I couldn’t help eyebrows and pick up a very clever device.
Even if you have two magic weapons, you can’t see a very clever device.
"Although your Kowloon Shenhuo cover consumes less material and energy than the pillar of God, it also makes my purse shrink by more than 10%."
"Grandchildren know that an extremely clever device is enough to reach the level of law."
See Qing Wei satisfied Li Shangyin also relieved and they were afraid that this great-grandson can’t see a magic weapon now.
Then Qingwei still couldn’t resist his curiosity and asked, "I wonder if someone can ask your old man to make a move recently?"
Li Shangyin smell speech can’t help eyebrow eye laughed "nature! Tongshen pillar and Kowloon Shenhuo hood were born, and there was a lot of noise, and I showed them. There are still many young people, but you know that this spirit weapon is a rare material, and the requirements for techniques are extremely high. Of course, there is my reward. "
"So in the end, I helped Elder Miao Xiang, Brother Shou Zhuo, and another brother from Wenwenfeng to forge it."
"They are Ruyi Bundle Fairy Rope, Soul Bell and Wuji Apricot Flag"
Qing Wei nodded his head. No matter how good the weapon is, we have to consider whether we need it or not. Even if there is a refining method that can afford the remuneration and materials, there are really not many people.
Moreover, Li Shangyin, an elder and true identity, wouldn’t easily agree to the magic weapon in Refined Device in the Cloud.
"What is the fate of the elders?"


It’s the so-called Zhengqi Hall in the end that is weird.

Um …
Eye movement Zhou Jiameng’s night clothes are light and thin, and they are as deep as heavy objects and entangled in aquatic plants.
"Little brother!"
Then Yuan Xiyin sounded far away.
"You make me easy to find."
"Second Brother" Zhou Jia looks as usual.
"Why do you come here sometimes? I heard that the gang has been very busy recently."
"It’s really busy," Yuan Xi sighed from the forest bank.
"Don’t keep dragging your feet because the gang is short of hands. It’s been nearly half a year. Should you promise to help me out this time?"
"Brother" Zhou Jia frowns.
"I really don’t like chores, and it’s just time for conscription. I don’t understand it. What can I do?"
"Rest assured" Yuan Xi waved his hand.
"Just give you an idle job. There’s really no room for help."
"Recently …"
He rubbed his forehead with distress.
"There is an organization that calls itself Zhengqitang, which claims that just men obstruct conscription everywhere and dare to forcibly intercept and kill us. Up to now, there are still many places for military service."
He sighed again and looked really distressed.
Zhou Jia’s heart moved
Chapter 12 Apologize
Because the island is foggy all the year round.
There are two places around Shicheng that are famous for their fog. Kirishima is one of them.
The fog covers your eyes and the wind blows away, which is a natural maze. It is already a fortress that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.
Kirishima, the great rudder of Tianshui Village, belongs to one.
audience hall
It’s a wave to let people carry two big boxes. After hitting them, the pearls, jewels, jewels, sparkling and charming luster, and the source stones are neatly packed.
"A few days ago, Japanese and Korean families were found out that in recent years, they have repeatedly sheltered refugees and made a lot of trouble. They want to ask the helmsman to show leniency."
"This is a thank-you gift!"
"Han Jia?" Qin Ying is thoughtful.
"Where is Han Tong in Korea?"
"Exactly" is a nod.
"More than a dozen rich people in Longchang Street are actually not very clean secretly. This Korean family should be provoked by what is wrong."
Every conscription will cause chaos.
Such things are common.
It depends on what you want to do about hiding people who have escaped from military service.
It is also reckless to go to the big office and destroy the family. Many families have been eradicated by the major forces.
That’s what happened when Lei Ba Tian destroyed Nie’s family.
At a young age, it’s just a word.
At present, the imperial court is weak and divided by the major forces. Tianshui Village will sell a noodle if it has a mouth.
"Han Guxiao respect over the years also calculate this time even if …"
A panic, hurried shouting interrupted Qin Ying stopped and then a man hurried to the hall and cried on his knees.
"The assistant helmsman was harmed!"
Qin Ying’s chair suddenly fractured, and his figure also appeared in front of kneeling people with a flash of time.
Handfuls of people pull their feet off the ground.
"What did you say?"
Out of control, the source force made him roar like thunder, and the people were bleeding.
At this time, another man came running outside the door, and his eyes were in a hurry.
"The deputy helmsman was assassinated on the way back from catching the refugees, and unfortunately the dragon boat was destroyed and the refugees scattered."
A quiet in the field
A compressive force expanded in the temple.


Make a comparison. The ability chain of Huaxia Gene Evolution University is about 12 to 30 gene basis points according to the types of extraordinary ability.

Thirty cases need to establish 42 circulating branches in the chain of genetic ability to practice to the perfect circulation state, while 25+circulating branches are needed in the practice of retreat.
If you change to the spiritual strength, one is four times and the other is twenty-five times!
This gap …
It’s scary to think about it.
If the spirit of both sides is five foundations, then the gap between the two spirits is one is 2 and the other is 125, which is more than five times worse.
Of course, in general, it is impossible to practice the perfect cycle state.
Most extraordinary components of the cycle branch break through this area in about 15 to 2, which means that the spirit is doubled.
And Xu retired to reach a minimum of one-third of the total amount of spirit!
This data is so genetic miracle, such as He Wan Jian and Ji Qianli. If they condense the 72-point genetic ability chain into stars, their combat power is definitely four or five times that of ordinary quasi-planets.
Xu tui feels that they should not.
Whether it’s He Wan Jian or Ji Qianli, their strength is among the top among the quasi-planets, but it’s not too strong to be ridiculous!
Because of the current standard of combat power, an ordinary planetary combat power is about three quasi-planets.
If Ji Qianli congratulated Wan Jian, its strength was five times that of an ordinary quasi-planet, it would have been able to fight for stars!
If both of them had star power, the situation would not be so miserable now.
A three-star combat power, which joint area dares to stab?
Dare to bomb and stab the three stars to join hands in beheading and ask if you are afraid?
There should be no transformation in the 72-point big gene ability chain of He He Wan Jian.
But it’s normal. It’s desperate to think about it.
Xu Refund is only two days and five days by Lifa Spirit Separation Barrier Method.
Normal practice for ten days may not be able to open one.
"It seems that the establishment of the 72-point big gene ability chain circulation chain can be regarded as a slow accumulation of water mill kung fu, and it is urgent to quickly improve the actual combat ability."
The rapid promotion of actual combat capability is mainly offensive and defensive.
Reasoning, Xu tui feels that the current time is limited, and there are still about five days left for Xu tui to prepare for the war.
In these five days, Xu retired from the preparation department to whip the gene ability chain.
It takes 55 gene chain cycles to build a perfect cycle.
It is still relatively easy to achieve.
If the power of a cycle is increased by 1%, the total amount of 55 liters is also very amazing.
In the next five days, it is expected that the spirit whipping cycle will start ten to fifteen times, and the spirit whipping power of the spirit hammer will increase by ten to fifteen percent.
This is also very impressive.
Other abilities can wait until after the crisis before trying to improve.
Of course, the most important thing is that the number of source crystals in Xu’s hand is limited, so the excessive consumption will not last long.
For several days, Huang presided over the whole No.1 main base and gradually got on track. The defense system of the Eldar was also reactivated, which greatly increased the security of all members.
Don’t sleep well.
Otherwise, at least one-third of the people will have to be assigned to watch the night every day.
On February 12th, there were four days before Silver arrived at Lingweiyi.
According to the plan, everyone will complete the preparations for the war on February 14 and implement the preparation plan before.
However, at noon on February 12, Huang rose to wake up the penance and retired.
The results of Xu tui’s penance are a little better than expected.
In addition to the last two days to practice the 72-point big gene ability chain, the remaining three days of practice actually built a spiritual whipping cycle
On whether mental hammer or mental whipping power has increased significantly.
"What’s the matter with Huang?" Awaken Xu asked.
"The situation of the whole brainwave star has been sorted out. Which one do you want to hear?" Big fierce Meng Xiao Niang humanoid avatar Huang cocked his head and rushed back and said
"Which one do you want to hear?"
Xu retreated and smiled. "Of course, who is going to do this kind of thing?"
Chapter seven hundred and eleven Search incentives
"The first good news is that I have damaged the Eldar Spirit Room, which can not only open the door of the Spirit Room, but also crack the control system of the Spirit Room.
You can enter the spirit room now, "Huang laughed.
As soon as this statement came out, he retreated his eyes and glared at him. "Can we start?"
There are good things in the spirit room.
When Huang nodded, he got up and rushed to the spirit room, but just a few steps later, the horse turned to Huang and asked, "What’s the second good news?"
"There are thirteen resource mining points in Lingji Star. I sent the Robotics Department to review the resource mining points these days. I found that the No.9 resource mining point located in this position did not attract your attention."


Although on this occasion, the performing stars are dressed exactly like other torchbearers, but their outstanding appearance and unique temperament still make them stand out from the crowd. Therefore, Zhang Chengyuan found them almost at a glance and immediately went to them. In this scene, he naturally wanted to be close to his fellow torchbearers.

Because they received two torch relay trainings together yesterday and the day before yesterday, Zhang Chengyuan has known these artists and torchbearers and got along well, which is very rare in Zhang Chengyuan’s consistent communication process. The reason may be that he thinks that since they are willing to be torchbearers of the Olympic flame, they must have a good impression on China, so they love me, love my dog and have a very kind attitude towards them.
When Zhang Chengyuan is willing to get close to some people, almost no one will resist his kindness. These artists and torchbearers also have a very good view of Zhang Chengyuan.
The artist torchbearers include Zhang Chengyuan. There are a total of six people in order of age, such as Li Huishu, bada, Anglenala, Zhang Chengyuan, JungilWoo and Go Ara.
Li Huishu is an elder who was born in 6 years and debuted in 78 years. She even said that the elder is ok. Of course, she is only in her forties this year, and her appearance is still quite harmonious. It can be seen that she should also be a beauty when she was young. Although she is old at this time, she must still be very attractive in the eyes of an old man of about 50 years old. However, in recent years, she has often played a sarcastic role in the audience, which has damaged a lot of her image in the eyes of the audience
Bada, formerly known as Cui Shengxi finkl, was named ses at the end of the last century, and the combination became Yuan Yi. Nine years ago, Zhang Chengyuan was afraid that she would stay away from her, which made the four sisters of finkl feel uncomfortable. But now times have passed, and the era of finklses confrontation has long passed. Some members of the two groups are even good friends. Therefore, Zhang Chengyuan’s attitude after seeing bada is quite humble and polite.
Anglenala Jang Sung-won knows her name for a long time and knows that she is the best Korean artist in China. It is said that China has done a lot of good things, such as being the ambassador of China culture propaganda, setting up the "Anglenala Love Fund", participating in the recording of songs of Yanjing Olympic Games, etc. In Jang Sung-won’t mind what she did these things for, but she deserves his respect if she did them. Therefore, among these artists, apart from Go Ara, Jang Sung-won has the best affection for Anglenala.
JungilWoo has a good figure and good looks. A young actor who made his debut for more than two years has shot to fame. A boy who likes to laugh at the sunshine has a slight shyness in his smile. It is very destructive to young women and young women, and men will not resent him after seeing it. Zhang Chengyuan has always been picky about people. After seeing him, he also has a good impression on him. Of course, this may be because JungilWoo is quite respectful and polite to him after seeing him.
In Go Ara, it was Zhang Cheng, a veteran acquaintance and a good friend of Xiao Crystal. After seeing her at the torchbearer training meeting the day before yesterday, Zhang Chengyuan felt more and more destined to be with her. Therefore, no matter whether this girl is still afraid of rejecting him or not, he has made up his mind to make friends with her and recognize her as a sister.
After these artists greeted each other and chatted a few words, Zhang Chengyuan went to Go Ara and talked to her.
Zhang Chengyuan asked, "Yala, how are the ratings of you starring in Who Are You?" I can’t find a suitable topic at the moment, so I just say it casually. Anyway, it’s better to have something to say than nothing.
Go Ara respectfully replied, "It’s still about 1% like that." Although Zhang Chengyuan, a "successful" elder, had seen it several times before and Zhang Chengyuan was very gentle with her every time, she still felt a little stressed and restrained.
Of course, the so-called "success" is her personal opinion. Others may not think so. Zhang Chengyuan will not think so. He always thinks that he is still a long way from success.
Zhang Chengyuan added, "Have you ever thought about what will lose the ratings?"
Go Ara mused, "Maybe it’s because nair is too powerful."
"Don’t you look for reasons from yourself?"
"Maybe my acting skills are also poor!"
Zhang Chengyuan shook his head and said, "Your acting skills can’t be said to be poor, but it’s not good enough. I just took a look a few days ago. Do you want me to point out your shortcomings?"
"hmm? Well, please give me some advice! " Go Ara was a little surprised that Zhang Chengyuan wanted to show her acting skills, but Zhang Chengyuan has always been famous for his excellent acting skills. It is very rare to get his advice. After getting along with each other several times in the past two days, she found that Zhang Chengyuan did not seem as "fierce" as Xiao Crystal said, so she agreed to come.
When Zhang Chengyuan told her in detail about the places that she needed to improve or should pay attention to during the performance … Not far from here, JungilWoo couldn’t help but quietly approach a little after overhearing what Zhang Chengyuan said at this time, and listened carefully. For a newcomer, Zhang Chengyuan still has high practical value in performing some experiences. Because of the actor’s mentality of always wanting high acting skills, he naturally doesn’t want to miss this good opportunity.
Zhang Chengyuan discovered JungilWoo’s action, but he didn’t care about one thing, because he had some affection for the young man. Second, what he said was all about his experience and skills during filming, and it was not a whisper that he heard.
Chapter four hundred and twenty-two Torch Pass
Unconsciously, at about one o’clock in the afternoon, all the staff were here, and the person in charge of the torch relay gathered everyone together and reiterated the matters needing attention in this activity, and then let the torchbearers and workers take the special bus to their respective posts.
As bada is the sixteenth torchbearer, Li Huishu is the twentieth torchbearer, Zhang Chengyuan is the twenty-fifth torchbearer and Go Ara is the twenty-sixth torchbearer, their numbers are all very high and close, so they just got on the same bus.
After taking the bus, Zhang Chengyuan naturally sat down beside Go Ara unceremoniously and chatted with her again. Perhaps she felt that she had been personally guided by Zhang Chengyuan before, which made her understand a lot. Therefore, Go Ara’s affection for Zhang Chengyuan could not help but increase. This time, she talked to him with less respect and more intimacy.
About fifteen minutes later, the bus arrived at the starting position of the road section assigned by Zhang Chengyuan, and Zhang Chengyuan got on the bus with several people who wanted to work with him, while Go Ara had to sit for a while for three or four hundred meters ahead and got off at bada and Li Huishu earlier.
After getting off the bus, Zhang Chengyuan was about to find a place to sit and rest on the road. At this time, it was more than half an hour before the official start of the Olympic torch relay-two o’clock in the afternoon, and it took at least one and a half hours for the torch to be delivered to him. Naturally, he could not have been waiting in the middle of the road all the time.
But as soon as he appeared, he saw many reporters coming around to interview him-they had been waiting for a long time at this point, so they could brace themselves to deal with their questions
In the interview, Zhang Chengyuan was all smiles, friendly, and almost answered questions and cooperated with reporters. The reporters who were used to his cold face were surprised and puzzled, wondering if he was going to get married, or what a big happy event he had met? Otherwise, why is he in such a good mood today?
Zhang Chengyuan did this naturally because of his consideration. If he still habitually puts on a face with almost no expression during the torch relay, he is afraid that many people will think that he is not willing to participate in this activity, and he will even think that he once said that he likes China’s speech is also a lie.
Don’t get me wrong, but he never wants to see this misunderstanding, so he has to show joy, excitement, honor and other feelings in his face. Fortunately, he does have these feelings in his heart, so it is not against his heart and it is easy to do.
After dealing with the media, Zhang Chengyuan began to chat and glanced at the surrounding environment at random. When he couldn’t find anything that interested him, he looked at Go Ara, more than 300 meters west of him, thinking that it would be good to see what Go Ara was doing now anyway.
This look made him see a surprise. There were two people around Go Ara who were familiar with him. One was a small crystal and the other was Song Zhuan. At this time, the three of them kept looking at him while talking. In addition, there were two little girls who were slightly impressed by him. One seemed to be called Luna, who was one year older than the small crystal. The other is Sulli, who is the same age as Xiao Jing, but about half a year older than Xiao Jing. Both of them are good friends of Xiao Jing. Zhang Chengyuan met them several times when he visited Xiao Jing in S company, so Zhang Chengyuan recognized them.
Zhang Chengyuan immediately waved to Xiao Jing to let her come over. He was bored at this time. If Xiao Jing was with him, he could spend it happily. There were nearly two hours left to wait.
However, Xiao Jing did not immediately run to find Zhang Chengyuan, but said to Zhang Chengyuan by mouth, "Brother, I will accompany Yala and talk to you later." You can’t see that this girl is not a brother in her heart, and she is quite helpful to her friends.
After five minutes or so, the small crystal took Song Zhuan to Zhang Chengyuan’s side, while Luna and Sulli stayed with Go Ara. Perhaps they thought that if they all came to Zhang Chengyuan’s side, Go Ara would talk, so several girls made this distribution.
Because in public, Xiao Jing didn’t dare to pounce on Zhang Chengyuan and let him hug her, so she learned to say hello to Zhang Chengyuan with a bow, but after the ceremony, she held Zhang Chengyuan’s arm and stuck it beside him. She was not afraid of what people around her would say at an early age. Besides, when she greeted Zhang Chengyuan, people also knew that she was Zhang Chengyuan’s sister, so naturally she wouldn’t make irresponsible remarks.
With a small crystal and Song Zhuan to the shade of a tree on the side of the road, he briefly blocked some direct sunlight, and then Zhang Chengyuan asked, "Why are you here? And you know that Yala and I are here? "
Small crystal said, "I’m here to see you, of course, brother. Wouldn’t it be a pity if I didn’t come to see you?" And today is Sunday, and I just have enough time to spend with you. How do you know you’re here? It’s very simple. Ask Sister Zhixiu and Sister Yala. I didn’t expect that the places where you want to run are not only close to each other but also so close to the company, which saved us a lot of trouble. "
The road sections that Zhang Chengyuan and Go Ara are going to run today are at Qingtan intersection and Hedong intersection in Jiangnan/District, which are quite close to S company and can be reached in ten minutes’ walk, so Xiao Crystal said so.
Song Zhuan said, "I’m here to watch the Yanjing Olympic torch relay. It’s rare to meet such a meaningful scene abroad, so I just want to support a crystal and say that you want to pass the torch here, so I’ll follow."
Zhang Chengyuan nodded and said, "A China person should support this activity. You did the right thing."
Song Jue was stunned. She felt that Zhang Chengyuan said this sentence as if he were also from China.
Zhang Chengyuan then asked, "Did Song Xu ever think about going back to Yanjing to watch the Olympics in June?"
Song Zhuan mused, "It would be great if I could go back to Yanjing to watch the Olympic Games, but I don’t want to go back now and I may not be able to get tickets when I get back."
Zhang Chengyuan nodded slightly. "Maybe I can say hello to S company for you, ask for a leave and get you some tickets."
Song Xu couldn’t help but ask out of curiosity, "ppa, do you have tickets for the Olympic Games?"


Come back to the dungeon and let a few people out and tell them that the mountain bandit leader and strategist have all killed the old man, Lu and others. Everyone can’t believe it. Fortunately, I took out the drawings to send the array. This ya didn’t believe that the completion of the unified display was also rewarded. It was the drawings and everyone had a lot of experience. Hope 2 gold coins and 5 gold coins.

The next step is to escort five guys to Gert City. Some guys don’t know whether they are hungry or injured. Anyway, they just walk slowly. Because there is no strange way around the outside of the cottage, they don’t worry that some guys are attacked by strange people and killed Lin Hao. I walked in the front to find out the way. I took Xiao Yu at the back and the cold front walked beside me for a while. It suddenly occurred to me that the cold front looked at Xiao Yu and quickly followed the cold front. "Are you in any trouble?" If you treat me as a friend, you can tell me. I think there may be nothing in the game that can make you difficult. Should it be in reality? "
After that, I quietly looked at Lengfeng and heard my words. His face once again showed a trace of worry. Lengfeng stopped and tilted his head and stared at me for a while and said, "Do you know who I am? I can see that you are an ordinary person. Maybe Haotian and Xiaoyu’s family will know a lot about people like me, but you definitely don’t. But it happened that you won’t make friends with me in the world, but you want to be friends with me in the game. Do you know that if I never dare to have friends like you in reality, because it means danger? I am a dark world person and a killer. What are the consequences of your contact with me for nothing? "
Listen to the cold front, I was stunned. I really don’t know anything about the killer, but then I was relieved. No wonder this guy looks cold and doesn’t seem to have any feelings, but the killer or the butcher is my friend.
Chapter 75 Completion
I smiled at Lengfeng and said, "I don’t know much about killers, but I know this should be a very dangerous profession, but it doesn’t affect me whether you are a friend in the game or in reality. If you have an organic conversation, I don’t mind having an amazing killer friend in reality. Tell me what trouble you have. Although I may not be able to help, tell me if I can’t help, it won’t have a worse impact."
The cold front looked at Xiao Yu and seemed to be considering whether to tell me or not, and seemed to be concerned about Xiao Yu.
I looked at Xiao Yu, a girl who obviously had a cold front, but didn’t mean to leave. Instead, I looked at the cold front firmly, "Brother Cold, you don’t care about my flying friends. My friends are my friends. I have never seen a cold front or a killer in front of flying outsiders, and I am a girl’s family. I never ask questions."
Lengfeng glanced at Xiaoyu and looked at me again and said slowly, "I did have some troubles. For some reasons, some of my partners were injured, but they couldn’t go to a big hospital for treatment, so they had to hide to prevent danger. Moreover, all my funds were temporarily frozen. If I can’t get enough money as soon as possible to get some drugs to cure their injuries and transfer them, maybe it won’t be long before they will be found out that they will all lose their lives. I have been trying to help some people do something in the game to exchange for gold coins, and then sell them for cash through some channels, including buying the store for others when you see it in Gotham
"How much do you need? Can it be cash? Although I am really an ordinary person with little money, but you have channels to exchange gold coins for money, then I have 170 thousand gold coins here. "
"I need an astronomical figure in the future, but I have gained so much today that I have solved most of it. I still need 20,000 gold coins to get rid of my more than 10,000 hands. It is more valuable to exchange gold coins. I can exchange one gold coin for 12rmb and then 20,000 gold coins, so a total of 100,000 gold coins can be exchanged for 1.2 million."
After the cold front finished speaking, it seemed like a sigh of relief, but I didn’t want to see that expression for the first time. It became a little more peaceful and less obvious.
I didn’t say anything. I directly applied for the transaction and put 20,000 gold coins in it. I looked at the cold front and said with a smile, "You asked for 20,000, and I took 20,000. Although there are still 150,000 gold coins, I don’t want to give more of these gold coins since you have enough, but if it is not enough, it is estimated that I can get even 200,000 in a few days."
"No need. There will be no problem if they get well," Leng Feng affirmed, and his words were full of confidence in them.
"Well, let’s hurry up and follow it. If Haotian takes these guys to the wolves and is killed, we estimate that there will be rewards and punishments."
Since the cold front himself said that there was no problem, I was not used to getting to the bottom of what he didn’t say, so I should take a look at the present and take the light rain quickly to the front team, and the cold front followed slowly.
It wasn’t long before the wolves appeared, but fortunately, those crazy wolves didn’t attack us this time, because some players have arrived here. Although the wolves are almost invincible to them at present, adventure and challenge are the nature of most players, and big challenges in the game often bring big returns.
It is very confusing for our party to have a few players on the periphery, especially when we see that there are several np’s among us, but these people are not stupid to come out from the depths, and they are certainly not easy to mess with and no one is meddling.
A line of people successfully passed through the wolf pack territory and continued to move forward to Gert City. After more than ten minutes, Gert City was just around the corner. Several people were excited, and the youngest guy was full of curiosity and surprise.
When I came to the city gate, Lu looked at the towering city wall and the tall city gate and muttered something. Several middle-aged people were also excited. Sometimes they looked forward to it, sometimes they missed it, sometimes they were painful and sometimes they lost. They just didn’t go there.
I can’t watch this slow journey, even if we don’t go to the place, consider our feelings. It’s past six o’clock. We didn’t have much early today. We had to wake up and say, "Mr. Lu, you have arrived in Gotham now. I can understand your excitement about returning to the empire, but I think you should go back to the imperial city as soon as possible. It was a big event last night, so you can look around slowly and remember the past."
"Oh, I’m sorry to respect the wise man. I’m so excited. You’re right. It’s important. Thank you for waking up. Let’s go now."
Lu didn’t get angry when I interrupted her thoughts. Instead, she politely called me a respected wise man ~ The old man was always calling me a young adventurer or directly calling me Gao unhappy anyway. Anyway, I want to finish it, as long as you are willing to leave.
"You’re welcome. Now this is the west gate of Gert City. Let’s go in and get to the delivery square soon. From there, we can send it directly to the imperial city. Mr. Lu, please."
Say that finish, I made a wink to heaven science to let him walk quickly in front, and then made a gesture to Lu. Lu nodded and looked at several middle-aged children around him to speed up the pace and followed Lin Hao.
Soon I came to the array, and several people in Lu had no money to send me. They scolded me and said, "I can’t give up here."
A line of people sent to the imperial city, I won’t give Lu and others any excitement. "Mr. Lu, now that we have arrived at the imperial city, where are you going?" If there is nothing else we need to do, then I think we should say goodbye. The city is very safe and we should not continue to escort. "
"Oh, respect the wise man, thank you for saving us. I think the Wizards Association will give you some rewards after the report is delivered. If there is nothing very important, I hope you and your partner will stay with us."
As soon as I hear it, well, it shouldn’t take much to get a reward from the Wizards Association, and I’ll also meet old man Tros.
"Well, then, let’s go. The Wizards Association is next to the square. I think you haven’t forgotten it." Then I headed for the Wizards Association. Lin Hao and several people quickly followed.
When I entered the association hall, I saw the beautiful magician still there. This time, I didn’t know what happened to me. After I entered the hall, I went directly to the side and asked for it. I just waited for the reward and didn’t know what the reward was.
As soon as Lu entered the Wizards Association, he disappeared, and I don’t know if this old man knows who to look for or if this ya will be thrown out. I can’t control it.
Xiao Yu, a few people came to the Wizards Association for the first time. Except for the cold front, the other two were curious and looked around at the resplendent Wizards Association. Lin Hao also whispered a few words of’ luxury ~ waves ~ and so on’ from time to time.
I’ve been waiting for ten minutes, and I’m almost impatient. Xiao Yu and Lin Hao have seen enough splendid decorations. When old man Tros and Lu came out, I instantly cheered up and smiled at Tros. "The teacher hasn’t come to see you for a while. Are you okay?"
"Wow, flying Wynaut is when you just said it. I still have some doubts. It seems to be true. It’s a little good that you are young. How much is your mental strength now?"
"The amount seems to be more than one thousand, but the level is only 21, which is still far from the advanced intermediate wizard."
"What? More than a thousand? Are you sure you’re not bragging? " Troth exclaimed, his eyes were wide as cattle, and he grabbed my robe sleeve and asked whether he had finished ignoring the image of the chief wizard.
"Well, teacher, it seems that there is no need to brag about this."
"It’s more than one thousand? Ok, wait for me to give you an advanced level directly and then get an intermediate wizard medal. The soul wizard is different from the general wizard to see the mental strength. "
"ah? That’s it? How much mental strength does that senior need? " I asked eagerly.
"advanced? It’s almost enough to reach 15 samples. Wrong is not almost 15. It’s absolutely enough. How did you achieve it? " Tross looked at me jokingly.


You can see that this is a 16-nut without measuring Zhuang!

Not far from Zhuang, I looked up and saw that there were many kinds of pieces growing in the whole field.
There are screws, nuts, washers, collars and many more complicated things.
"This … this thing …" Zhuang was speechless for a while.
What? You can grow anything in this field?
"Look, Master Zhuang," Xiao Wei raised his right hand and took out a square thing.
This is a CPU.
A small chip has become several transistors, which is the most sophisticated and greatest thing that human beings can produce at present.
Then Xiao Wei squatted on the ground and dug a hole to bury the CPU.
Then watered it.
After a while, a silver-gray plant grows out of the ground, and each leaf is a CPU.
Not far from Zhuang, I picked a piece and held it in my hand. It was the same as the CPU, and even the handwriting was the same.
Xiao Wei took the CPU from Zhuang not far away and connected it with a motherboard very neatly.
And then the plane …
Not far from this moment, Zhuang felt horrified and absurd.
"This thing can copy things?"
"If it is abiotic, it can be copied." Xiao Weidao
They have tried all kinds of things.
Besides CPU, there are toothbrushes, cell phones, tissues …
You can grow anything.
Zhuang bu long silence language
He remembers doing something when he was a child.
At that time, the big guys in the winery were very difficult and always didn’t have enough money.
There is nothing to entertain except Zhuang, and many children in the winery like to play tricks on Zhuang for fun.
I don’t know who told me that "as you sow, so you reap". I planted a one-dollar steel shovel in a flowerpot and told Zhuang not far away that I would take him to buy delicious food when I had a lot of money. At that time, I was especially young and took good care of it for a summer vacation.
The end result is, of course …
Being severely laughed at has also become a dark history and unwillingness to look back in Zhuang’s recent years.
At that time, Zhuang knew not far away that not everything could be planted.
But this common sense has been passively shaken at this moment.
It turns out that this world can really grow anything!
Murphy …
Not far from Zhuang, he looked up at the factories with large and small but identical shapes beside him.
Don’t … These factories are also planted?
He can probably understand what’s going on here.
After occupying the factory, the factory owners found its special features and regarded it as a "factory manufacturing machine" to benefit the special capacity batch manufacturing factory of Jinye Shitian.
Later, the war destroyed these factories, and the broken parts of the factories fell into the ground and became the growing parts all over the ground.
This is just …
It’s amazing!
What strange things did these manor owners send and build in the later period of manor owners!
This kind of thing can be done!
"The manor is so special, please take it back." Xiaowei said.
Not far from Zhuang, he didn’t refuse. "Go home first. I want to stay here for a while."
“? ?”
Xiao Wei and Lao Bang were puzzled, but they followed orders.
When the two men left the manor, the other servants were gone.
Not far from Zhuang, I suddenly looked around and grinned.
He took out a one-dollar coin from his pocket and dug a hole in the ground, then buried it.
I couldn’t help laughing when I watched a one-dollar coin tree grow from the ground like a silver tree full of elm money.
"Ha ha ha ha who said money can’t be planted!"
Laughing and laughing, Zhuang is not far away and a little crying.
At the beginning, I laughed and comforted others, but now they are gone.
I don’t know where it is
Just then, Zhuang suddenly heard a sound not far away.
"Hey, small landowner!"
"Huh?" Zhuang is not far from wondering if someone called me?
Chapter 147 Coward Little Mud
Zhuang looked around and found no one around.
Did you hear wrong?

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Only by accepting this announcement can they conduct formal diplomatic activities with Guangdong, otherwise they can go to Beijing, but Zhu Jinglun promised that they would not accept the benefits from Beijing and Guangdong would not be guaranteed.

The Danish and Swedish diplomatic representatives were a little at a loss about this notice. They didn’t understand the meaning. When they arrived in Hong Kong, they had heard the Chinese minister report to them that there might be a coup in Guangdong, but they didn’t receive the official notice and diplomatic request. Therefore, legally, they must continue to recognize Qing Wang Chaocai as the legitimate government of this country.
But now the Guangdong local government has handed them such a notice, which makes them find it difficult to handle. First of all, it is not an independence, nor does it seek Denmark and Sweden to recognize their independent national status. It is to express their attitude in commercial diplomacy.
Although France compares with western diplomatic procedures, aren’t all diplomatic procedures explored from reality, and the basic diplomatic principles are all British foreign policy methods, which are recognized by westerners as modern diplomatic systems and British foreign principles
But China people obviously broke these rules.
But they can accept it, otherwise we won’t talk about the significance of their coming here. It is because it is too expensive for the two countries to set up a delegation together. A trip to a big ship like that costs tens of thousands of pounds. Plus, both countries know that they are small countries, and joint negotiations may achieve greater benefits.
In the 15o’ s, the two countries started the industrial revolutionary countries almost at the same time, and factories were constantly building productivity flying exhibitions, which made them more dependent on external market nests. If a big country like China released business to them, it would make their small country no longer worry about the market.
Therefore, after a short period of consultation, the two countries jointly replied to Zhu Jinglun’s notice, saying that they accepted this clause. In the future, they will negotiate with the Guangdong local government before signing an agreement with the Qing dynasty, which will take effect.
So they were invited to Guangzhou.
"You are probably wondering why I asked you to agree to sign a treaty with the imperial court first, but we must agree to it. Can you understand the situation of the German Empire before Napoleon’s time? At that time, the German Empire was also an empire, but you signed a diplomatic treaty with the imperial emperor. Do you think it can be operated in other countries?"
Vallenborg and Christian dragged the name of Germany at that time, and the Roman Empire was sacred. It was neither sacred nor Roman, nor was it a loose federal empire. The emperor of the empire was voted by all eligible electors.
If at that time the king of Austria became emperor of the empire and then signed a diplomatic treaty with Britain, it would be impossible for the Prussian Principality to accept the kingdom of Bavaria, the small countries like Hesse, Hanover and Wü rttemberg, and even the imperial free city like Hamburg. In the end, even the emperor Austria would not accept him, and they would only accept it if he signed the treaty as king of Austria.
But they still don’t understand, "But China is a unified and complete country, not a loose confederation like the Holy Roman Empire."
Zhu Jinglun waved his hand. "At present, our emperor still has dominion over each entity, but there has been a little change in Guangdong. You may not understand this change, but my understanding tells you that we will be independent in the future if we are less in the diplomatic field."
This is the main category, and diplomacy is also the most important part of the main part.
In the eyes of westerners, achieving diplomatic independence has meant the independence of a region and the establishment of a country.
They simply don’t understand that the China dynasty didn’t care most about this diplomatic interest. Of course, it’s also taboo for local governments to communicate with foreign countries alone. It’s called private marriage with foreign countries, but it’s not of western political significance. Diplomacy in China is of political significance because it often means rebellion. But if Zhu Jinglun does not play the banner of public rebellion in diplomacy, the Qing dynasty will not interfere unless it has the ability to suppress it. They will turn a blind eye and pretend not to know.
Zhu Jinglun looked at them blankly and continued to explain, "Well, you can understand that you need our approval to sign a treaty with the Qing Dynasty in the future before you can implement it in Guangdong, because we will implement our own independent foreign policy. Do you know what this means?"
Vallenborg and Christian looked at each other and understood, or they didn’t need to understand, but they just needed to know the result. As a result, Guangdong could conduct diplomacy with the outside world independently, which means Zhu Jinglun could sign a foreign trade treaty with them alone if he wanted.
This surprised them a little. They were more willing to associate with Zhu Jinglun because the situation was already very good. This is a China official who didn’t want to communicate with the West, and now he has obtained the local government in Guangdong.
In fact, there is no political diplomatic activity in the past. Is it necessary to add a little political flavor to this purely commercial diplomatic activity?
Yes, they didn’t come to Guangdong for political and diplomatic negotiations with the Guangdong government, but they went to Beijing for the purpose of purely commercial interests. Denmark envied Sweden and Guangdong for helping Zhu Jinglun build an arsenal. In the past two years, the Swedes sold 100,000 tons of iron ore to Zhu Jinglun.
The Swedes came here in the hope of further cooperation. They heard that Zhu Jinglun was copying ships by himself, and they felt that they could also help in this respect. If Zhu Jinglun was willing to buy their steel, they wouldn’t mind providing technology to help Zhu Jinglun build a shipyard. Of course, Zhu Jinglun concluded that it was also a big business to build a large shipyard with this money.
But since Guangdong is independent, is it a business treaty? To sign a generous business treaty with Guangdong, even if it is a local government, the territory and population they control are far from a European country and a huge market.
So Vallenborg was the first to ask, "If we can help you with shipbuilding support, I wonder if you are willing to give China a preferential tax rate on steel exports?"
Zhu Jinglun pointed to the thick negotiations before him, "There is no such aspect in the terms of your negotiation."
Section three hundred and nine A benchmark
Zhu Jinglun is not true. The two countries are here to talk about business. At least he won’t do it, otherwise he wouldn’t come forward in person, let alone give them the notice before.
He is interested in guiding the two countries to conduct diplomatic negotiations with him.
Don’t look for the British first, don’t look for the French first, even the Americans and Russians don’t look for them first, but look for two small countries.
It is because soft persimmon is easy to sign a favorable or fairer diplomatic treaty from a small country. This is the first diplomatic treaty signed with foreigners in Guangdong’s independent capacity, which has a strong demonstration significance. It is why these two small countries were found and they were the first to jump out and send a diplomatic mission to China at the most appropriate time.
"Our front-line workers are negligent. We suggest a temporary recess. We need to have a consultation."
Vallenborg said.
Zhu Jinglun shrugged. "I think your attitude is very insincere, but I agree to adjourn the meeting, but I’m not very interested. You can contact our foreign minister, Mr. Wu Chongyao."
Said Zhu Jinglun patted Wu Chongyao, who had been in a daze for a long time. Like Chen Zhiting, he didn’t expect that as soon as he came back, Zhu Jinglun installed a foreign minister’s title. It doesn’t matter. His father still wore three hats in those days, so he let Lin Zexu drag his pants and hit the board in public.
What’s important is that Zhu Jinglun gave him a life of four, which is a real official. You know, Guangzhou magistrate is only four, that is to say, he is half a level higher than Chen Zhiting.
In his father’s three hats in those days, it was a joke to fill the position in front of Wang. The biggest advantage was that Wu Bingjian could sit in a sedan chair in a real position, not to mention showing off in front of the four magistrates. It was a county magistrate who had to wait on the East India Company. Wu Bingjian would tremble when he saw the Qing government officials.
And this foreign minister is obviously not his father’s false title, which says that he is responsible for all foreign exchanges and is directly responsible to Guangzhao Luodaotai, that is, to Zhu Jinglun
After just getting this warrant, Wu Chongyao is weak as a dream.
But Zhu Jinglun has got up and left Wu Chongyao to react. Zhu Jinglun has already gone out. He chased him out rashly, but he was turned back by Zhu Jinglun. He came back to pay his respects to Vallenborg and Christian. Obviously, he was rude just now.
Unlike Wu Chongyao, Chen Zhiting’s world outlook is that the scholar-bureaucrat’s world outlook is self-consciously superior, and the gentry of agriculture, industry and commerce is the first family. Not to mention that it was all about the Song Dynasty, but his brother Chen Guiji was actually in charge of the Beijing official, and his Chen family therefore became the leader of the gentry of the noble family.
Therefore, although he was very excited when he was recommended by Zhu Jinglun to be the magistrate of Guangzhou, he didn’t know what Zhu Jinglun had done in Guangdong during this period until he got home. In his opinion, it was a gross violation, and it was just a rogue thief who made things. But now he is going to accept this rogue thief’s recommendation for office?


And it is procrastination.

Of course, what’s more important is that four people have been ambushed in the corridor in the vision of [Blood Crow Spirit], and there are two people carrying submachine guns on the roof. They have already set up slings-they are waiting.
Wait for the guy in front of you to signal!
And then jump and shoot here.
And this is absolutely forbidden by Goethe!
He’s got money here!
Goethe raised his hand toward the cigarette on the table-this is the one left by Zuo Teliu.
Pick up the cigarette and tap it several times.
Flames rose from Goethe’s palm.
Seeing this flaming’ Seven Killing Hall’ red scorpion body shaking like fear like envy.
"Not the kui is a" little efreet "is really …"
Before the other party’s praise words are finished, the flames gush out and envelop the other party.
In the face of explosive-level flames, the other side is not much better than Modog Pavilion.
Breathing becomes a scorched corpse.
And that flame bur a silk thread which is thinner than the hair thread.
At this time, the representative of the original connection [German Real Estate] was ignited by flames and quickly spread toward the corridor.
"ah! Little efreet! "
The corridor rang with the sound of "Seven Killing Halls" again.
But just now, compared with this time, it was full of anger and pain.
"Kill him for me!"
Three of the four people in the ambush corridor rushed towards Goethe’s room, and two submachine guns on the roof also took advantage of the situation.
Goethe’s palm flame spewed again.
A 1-meter-long cone flame instantly enveloped this corridor.
The three attackers turned into coke in an instant.
The spray in the corridor directly sprayed out water droplets, and the hot high temperature formed a piece of water vapor to cover up Goethe’s figure room and corridor.
Conveniently, two submachine gun hands looked at the water mist slightly one leng before.
And that’s enough!
Shape power over two people’s throats.
Poof! Poof!
Blood spurted out and the bodies of the two men fell straight down the zip line.
Bang! Bang!
In the ground impact, the’ Seven Killing Hall’ red scorpion ran faster!
In fact, when the three hands rushed out, the’ Seven Killing Hall’ was held by the red scorpion to sacrifice their hands for their own escape opportunities.
"Damn’ Little efreet’!"
The red scorpion roared from the bottom of my heart
He didn’t expect the other party to make a direct move.
In his original plan, when he delayed the bait, he went to the’ German real estate’ representative to completely become a corpse and’ mature’ to hit Goethe, and then he was caught off guard and then arranged to kill Goethe.
Then nature is "Goethe’s body" close to "German real estate" that old guy.
Everything is perfect!
Goethe’s determination and strength exceeded his expectations.
Especially strength!


Zhao Rujun didn’t look at her but stretched out his hand and took it.

The magpie couldn’t help complaining, "That even Fangzhou is really a country girl who doesn’t know manners and doesn’t know how to be good. Even a cup of tea is hard to bear."
Zhao Rujun suddenly turned to stare at her eyes too sharp to say anything about the magpie’s throat.
Zhao Rujun looked back and sipped his tea carefully.
After drinking half a cup, she looked as usual, and the anger and humiliation in her heart were suppressed.
Handing the teacup to the side casually, when the magpie took it, he said unhurriedly, "Don’t say a word about what happened at home today."
There were magpies present at that time, and the two mothers had retreated outside.
"yes! Miss, rest assured that the handmaiden will not say! " The magpie trail glanced at the car curtain, but two mothers didn’t deserve her treatment and sat outside the car edge.
Zhao Rujun nodded. Today, except for her, Magpie knew that she was not afraid of her daring to talk nonsense. They would never say anything about Lian Fangzhou.
"Miss, it’s so cheap that it’s even in Fangzhou!" Magpie at the thought of even Fang Zhou said that from then on, she was never allowed to go to Jane’s brother herself. She was very resentful and said, "Miss, even if there are any rumors outside, can you really dare to do anything to us?" This is Yuxian County! "
"Shut up!" Zhao Rujun stared at the magpie coldly and shouted coldly, "A gun is easier to hide than an arrow, but it’s harder to guard against it. Isn’t that Cui, our family, who can afford it? If he really wants to do something, the magistrate of a county has orders, so how can we resist it?"
Zhao Rujun’s hands are tight. Besides, he doesn’t need to go through the magistrate of a county. He needs to support those people who are eyeing their own property. It’s enough trouble for him!
But the magpie girl is right. It can’t be so cheap, even Fangzhou girl! There’s always another way!
In the past, the bamboo slips will match the agenda.
On this day, Sun Shi specially dressed up neatly and neatly to talk to his third aunt.
There used to be no conditions, but now Sun Shi is busy working in the woodlands all day. It’s not a time to be dressed carefully. It’s always very simple and casual, and it’s rare to be so neat
See her so a rao is nerve big three aunt also felt different, she looked at Sun Shi surprised a few more eyes clap jokes "what is a good day today? Look at Sun Sister-in-law’s smart dress! "
Sun Shi still had a headache. I don’t know how to say it. After hearing what his third aunt said, she smiled and said, "It’s not a good day. It’s a good thing!"
"oh? What is it? What is it? Sister-in-law Sun, please tell me! " Three gu eyes a bright busy asked hexagrams fire burning.
Sun Shi saw that people were consciously close to the third aunt, lowered her voice and smiled softly. "This matter is still related to the third aunt’s house. Please ask the third aunt to help me talk!"
The third aunt came even more, and she was eager to ask again and again
Sun Shi gave her a look and smiled. "I won’t beat around the bush with my three aunts. That’s boring! I think my family, Ah Qiu, will marry Fang Zhou as his daughter-in-law. After two years, Ah Zhong will get a juren, and Fang Zhou will be married in addition to filial piety. Do you think this marriage is feasible? You are an elder in Fangzhou, so I have to ask you about it first! "
"what! Really! " Three aunt consternation immediately after big unknowingly smiled eyes narrowed into a crack "this this is true? Do you really think so? "
To say that in the past, bamboo slips were certainly not worthy of family.
But now it’s different. Sun won the scholar at a young age. It is said that there is no problem in taking the exam!
Rao is the third aunt who doesn’t understand the imperial examination and knows that when she passes the examination for a juren, others will respectfully address her as a "juren master". There will be county and township squires, gentlemen and rich men who come to give gifts and pay them to reap the wealth of fertile land. There will also be poor couples who can’t pass the exam and are willing to go to slavery …
If you are lucky, you can directly make up for the lack of a magistrate!
Generally speaking, if you get into the exam, it will be a step up to the sky, from cheap to expensive!
This is also the reason why Sun Shi and Sun Changxing didn’t want to marry Lian Fangzhou at first.
The benefits of this kind of marriage are all obvious. For even Fangzhou, it is a big pie in the sky!
How many ladies are not 34 Chapter 34 Fangzhou refused.
Think of this three aunt face smile suddenly a frozen hey hey two to Sun Shi way "this marriage is our home fangzhou accounted for a big bargain! Let me get this straight, Sun Sister-in-law. Don’t be annoyed that our Fangzhou has broken off its engagement with someone. Sun Xiucai has given a good future. When the time comes, what kind of girl can’t marry you? How can you take a fancy to my Fangzhou? "
The third aunt was alert and opened her eyes seriously. "We can’t be concubines in Fangzhou!"
Sun Shi taste don’t know this reason? I am also wronged in my heart! Listen to the third aunt said this, I feel that it is almost said to my heart, and I secretly sigh who is fond of it!
She said with a smile, "Third Aunt, look who you say we are, how can we let Fangzhou be a concubine! Of course, it is three media and six hired wives! Fangzhou is a good girl, looks and acts well, and is kind to our family. She is a kind and righteous person. We … sincerely ask for marriage and will never let her be wronged! "
Sun Shi’s third aunt ignored the last sentence directly. She didn’t believe that anyone could be wronged by Lian Fangzhou!
Thinking of Lian Fangzhou’s saving Sun’s life and kindly helping Sun’s family, she felt that she had grasped the key point and was relieved.
"That’s good! This is good! " Third aunt smilingly said, "It’s hard to find a good marriage with lanterns! You two are also kind people, and Fangzhou won’t suffer! I’ll tell her when she comes back! "
Aunt San was filled with joy and felt that it was a complete success that even Fangzhou could find such a good marriage! I wonder how many people I envy!
Hey, this girl is lucky!
"Ok, then it’s a deal!" Sun Shi didn’t know whether he was relieved or lost for a moment. He smiled and told his third aunt, "What does our family mean? Let’s settle down in private first, and then ask the matchmaker to kiss us later, so as not to be too eye-catching!"
The third aunt was deeply afraid of saying that she would go back on her word in the future and added, "Why don’t you quietly close the word and change the Geng post first? Let’s exchange tokens first!" So everyone can rest assured! "
Sun Shi wanted to think and nodded "all right".
Anyway, it’s good to be determined to reassure your son.
"That would be great!" The third aunt clapped her hands and smiled with joy. "We will be a family in the future!"
"Yes …" Sun Shi smiled.
So after dinner, the third aunt walked over and took Lian Fangzhou to the room to talk, and specially closed the door and ordered them not to peek at Lian Ze.
Even ze is very puzzled. "What’s wrong with three aunts today? When you meet something happy, you laugh like a flower! "
"That’s it!" Even Fang Qing looked up with blinking eyes and said, "I also found the money from my third aunt!" I asked her and she said I was talking nonsense! "
"Of course you’re talking nonsense," said Lian Che calmly. "If Third Aunt finds the money, she will steal it and not laugh like this!"
"…" O simple way "have done with you one by one in this shot in the dark! It’s time to read and write, so don’t sit down quickly! "
The room was puzzling, and even Fang Zhou looked at herself and smiled at herself. Three aunts suddenly had a creepy feeling that she took two steps back and barely smiled and asked, "What on earth is so mysterious about three aunts …"