
A few minutes later, Raymont sounded on the communication channel, "Set a tactical target to kill!"

Too soon!
The blue star master’s raid speed is too fast this time
But this time, the raid was not only fast, but also the strong blue star.
When it was still 50,000 kilometers away, Evie, the star-rated strong man of the Bank of China in the Indian Union District, suddenly left the team and accelerated again.
Its flying speed is twice as fast as others!
The Taiwei Fort, the Eldar Forward Base, is not a decoration. Even if the blue star is hidden, it will be discovered by the Taiwei Fort.
The harsh brilliance flashed like a chain.
But at this time, the terrorist wave directly accelerated and quietly approached Augustus, and a huge flame meteorite suddenly appeared with a high-speed bombardment to Fort Taiwei No.2.
Two seconds!
It takes two seconds from appearance to bombardment.
The Eldar Forward Base No.2 Taiwei Fort instantly exploded into a fire.
At the same time, there is also Fort Taiwei No.1.
It’s Harun, the star-rated strongman in Milian District, who made a move against No.1 Taiwei Fort.
Augusto’s same routine accelerated the sudden attack early.
The horror of Lei Guang’s fall caused the whole thing to flash.
The base one Taiwei Fort was paralyzed in an instant, but this is not the end, but
At least five three-phase thermal explosive bombs blasted into Fort No.1 from all angles.
Huaxia District is responsible for Taiwei Fort No.3.
Far away, five three-phase thermal explosive bombs flew, but in Cai Shaochu’s secret method, these five three-phase high-speed bombardment three-phase thermal explosive bombs did not have the slightest fluctuation and harmony.
At the same time, Guanghua annihilated Fort Tai Wei at the same time when the explosions of Fort Tai Wei No.1 and Fort Tai Wei No.2 sounded.
But Guanghua explosive instant Cai Shaochu frown is a wrinkly gently.
Something doesn’t seem right!
What’s wrong with the enemy?
Xu tui is in charge of Fort Taiwei No.4 here.
Xu retreated here with the weakest strength, and didn’t compete with the other three directions. It was far more meaningful to retreat five disposable flying swords with five three-phase thermal explosive bombs and fly to Fort Taiwei on the 4th at high speed.
Xu retreated from one of the three-phase thermal explosive bombs in the spiritual chain.
Xu tui can control this three-phase thermal explosion bomb most flexibly at present, and then determine that it will bombard the target.
The other four are bait or to distract the enemy.
But let Xu back startled is not intercepted.
Don’t say that effective interception means no effective interception.
Xu came back to think that a three-phase thermal explosion bomb hit.
However, five three-phase thermal explosive bombs were just like going home, and they hit Fort Taiwei No.4.
Then it turns into a ball of fire!
"Something is wrong with the principal!"
Xu retired his horse and contacted Cai Shaochu.
"All units pay attention to the fact that the enemy may have been aware of the raid and failed to make achievements. Pay attention to defense." Raymont anxiously sounded.
The strategy failed.
Originally, this wave of raids had to take away at least three or four Eldar stars, but now these four fortresses are more like shells.
The enemy is ready!
"Be careful! There are enemies! "
When the alarm sounded, several lights suddenly lit up from a distance, and then a high-speed cover came in the direction of Xu tui and others!


Chen Zhongguo didn’t even check the information. "The most important duty of the Federation of Industry and Commerce is to publicize and implement the principles and policies of the party and the state among people in the non-public economy, strengthen ideological and political work … and safeguard the interests of members is the least important point."

He knows the government structure well enough.
"There is someone in our face" Chen Yi said that he was sincere. Judging from the heat flow in his chest, he should be called honest.
The harder it is to tell the truth, the easier it is to get divine power.
Chen Zhongguo hesitated a little. This is definitely a shortcut, but it is too steep.
Huashan line. Oh, my God!
Of course, once you succeed, the benefits will be very great. It takes too many years for the party to work hard for a main-level position. Even if Chen Congyu is not qualified enough, it is quite good to go to the central ministries and commissions in a certain area. The road ahead will be wider and wider. He is only 46 years old now. If he can have another two years …
"Why don’t you come from Yu?" Chen Zhongguo suddenly asked 1
Chen Yi smiled slightly embarrassed. "I haven’t discussed it with my dad yet."
There is another heat flow in the chest, which is 5% larger than the previous one.
Chen Zhongguo simply fainted and complained, "You didn’t talk to Cong Yu about this …"
"I think dad will agree that this is a good thing." Chen Yi’s confidence comes from her mother Fang Manyi.
"Three never listened to me, otherwise he went to the government that year. Now he will be willing to take this dangerous road if he is transformed?" On the contrary, Chen Zhongguo felt that it was better not to notify before. If Chen Congyu was informed, I’m afraid he would object.
"He should have been tired of playing in the mall," said Chen Yi. "How about we finish the first step and the second step first? If dad doesn’t want to do the first step, then we will return. "Chen Yi smiled and looked at his watch." I promised outsiders to go out for 1 minute. "
"Go, go back and discuss it again." Chen Zhongguo concealed Fang Manyi’s name, which was much weaker than Chen Jia’s. When he agreed to their marriage, he also valued Fang Manyi’s character and talent, which was the material for being a lady.
Chen Yi walked over and heard about the re-election of the Federation of Industry and Commerce within two days.
At this time, Chen Yi went to see his mother and said the situation.
"Tell me one more day?" Fang Manyi was almost angry.
Chen Yi hey hey smiled and said, "There are three main things. First, it is no problem to ask Torre to take part in the specific transport, and it will only be carried out tonight." The second is to have an inaugural speech, which must be written exactly; After the third election, I may have to give up the control of the Chen clique. I mean, the CEO of the company has done a good job, so let him continue to do a good job of the board of directors and hand it over to several minority shareholders. "
"None of the three things you want to tell your dad?"
"Comrade Chen Congyu’s consciousness is sometimes almost that we have succeeded in the first step." Chen Yi said half jokingly that he knew something about Dad’s personality, so he was reluctant to do things in politics, but it was not bad if he was driving a duck rack.
Fang Manyi also lost in thought.
As you know, Chen Yi found this road. Once you get through it, Chen Congyu’s shopping experience in the past two years is really not a wave. After that, it is quite smooth to go to the Ministry of Information Industry of the United Front Work Department or the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation or even the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where Chen is the strongest.
If you can’t get through, the loss is not too much.
But in the eyes of normal people, it is more like spending a lot of money to buy lottery tickets, buying a lottery ticket for the first time and getting two titles worth of chairman or vice chairman of the Federation of Industry and Commerce; The second time, I will spend one piece to get 10,000 CPPCC vice-chairman positions; If you succeed carelessly, you have to invest 10,000 yuan or 10,000 yuan to compete for the position of minister or deputy minister of the United Front Work Department of the misty 50,000 grand prize …
Fang Manyi took a long breath and said, "I’ll get ready."
So I agree with Chen Yi’s suggestion.
"I knew you had courage," Chen Yi said. It is very important to be honest.
One-night talk
At noon the next day, Comrade Chen Congyu had nothing to do. At this time, he was already the chairman of Jiangning Federation of Industry and Commerce, and the vice chairman was Wang Zhihua, vice minister of Jiangning United Front Work Department, who also had a CPC cadre. It was still very powerful.
On the other hand, the joint unit of Fang Zhen South Vice Mayor includes the Federation of Industry and Commerce. In other words, Chen Congyu is also regarded as his big uncle.
For this result, Ms. Chen Yi and Ms. Fang Manyi naturally high-fived each other, while Chen Congyu was a little dissatisfied and hesitant. When he met Chen Yi, he was even more angry. "Don’t you think I have no business talent?"
Chen Yi can’t answer him. If he honestly says, "You really have no talent for business," then the Chen family will have to go on the rampage.
Therefore, in order to keep himself from just being able to understand Middle English, Chen Yi chose a creative saying, "I have secret skills to keep you healthy for another four years."
Chen Congyu is now 46 years old and will be 6 years old four years later. If he can stay healthy for four years, by 244, God knows how China’s political ecology will evolve. At that time, Chen Congyu may have a corporate background, but he will be welcomed by all walks of life.
"How can you do that?" Chen Congyu really forgot his own problem, or he paid more attention to it. Since his master was healthy, he also had a lot of doubts about Chen Yi Danshen Tablets.
Chen Yi smiled, "Considering that you still have four years, I don’t think enterprises can give full play to your potential."
So Chen Congyu felt much better, but he still maintained the spirit of party skepticism and asked, "Will there be sequelae after living for four years?"
"Not for you," Chen Yi replied.
Fang Manyi asked nervously, "What about you?"
"A little bit is really a little bit" Chen Yi felt it unnecessary to say "it is necessary to lose some blood"
Eldest brother Chen Heng doubt ask "loss of blood? You don’t want to enter a cult. "
Chen Yi opened his mouth and added, "There won’t be any problem that you are worried about. It’s a good secret."
"Gift" is of course a good secret, but he is really not sure whether Catholicism or other sects are cults.
In order to change the subject, Chen Yi asked, "Big Brother, when will you have a big holiday and have a good time?"
"It’s not easy for me to come up with it again after grandpa’s good health. There is something after the holiday," Chen Heng lamented

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What can you do if we take the initiative to provoke or discriminate against you?

When Bulgarian fans thought so, Zhang Tiehan smiled at his face as if he had encountered something happy, and then stretched out his right hand to make a continuous touch in front of him. What did his left hand do to hold it up?
What does this mean?
Most people don’t care about the fans, and journalists don’t care about it, but it soon occurred to some people … Isn’t that just feeding monkeys? The right hand touches the monkey head and the left hand feeds the banana … Even if there are no monkeys in front of Zhang Tiehan, they can still make up some pictures and
Zhang Tiehan feeds monkeys, but they keep making’ whoops’. Doesn’t that mean …?
The Bulgarian fans were angry at once. They told those fans who didn’t react that soon the meaning of Zhang man of iron’s motion spread all over the stadium and all Bulgarian fans knew it.
They were very angry.
But they can’t do anything anymore because Zhang man of iron has already celebrated the goal with his Liverpool teammates and is ready to start the game again.
Bulgarian fans are naturally unwilling to let Zhang Tiehan go, and they will soon make a louder’ whoop’ sound, which is twice as high as before. They have no scruples to make this sound again, along with all kinds of insults and threats.
"you bloody yellow monkey!"
"Bastard I he will do you to death! Fuck you! "
"Yellow-skinned monkeys get out of Bulgaria!"
"Xiao you get me! Will I fuck you at night? "
"You have the courage to come again!"
"Be careful! I will kill you if you meet me! "
All kinds of foul language and bad words were showered on the stadium. Even in the stadium, some foul language could be heard. Bulgarian fans simply hated Zhang man of iron. What he just did was tantamount to adding fuel to the fire, which made these Bulgarian football hooligans even more angry and more unscrupulous. They tried their best to provoke and insult regardless of their mouths.
At this time, Zhang Tiehan has already heard these foul words against him in the game. It seems that he can’t finish anything. He is playing normally as if he didn’t hear it.
However, CSKA Sofia defenders can feel that Zhang Tiehan is more aggressive than before, and it is more difficult for them to defend.
Liverpool coach’s seat
When he saw Zhang Tiehan’s first goal, Benitez’s face didn’t change much, but when he heard Bulgarian fans racially discriminate against Zhang Tiehan, Benitez frowned. He was very angry, but he still didn’t say anything. It was all a matter after the game.
Benitez smiled when Zhang Tiehan scored the second goal.
He is well aware of Zhang man of iron’s ability, but Benitez is still very happy to see him score two goals in a row. After all, Zhang Tiehan is now a Liverpool player and another player. It is the greatest news for the coach to have such a player who can score goals.
But Benitez didn’t celebrate what it meant to watch his players celebrate, as if the goal was not important to him, and when he saw what Zhang Tiehan was doing in front of the fans’ stands, Benitez couldn’t help smiling bitterly-this new star who came to the team was so character.
He was scared in his heart.
Fortunately, there is barbed wire at the Bulgarian Army Stadium, otherwise we don’t know what Bulgarian fans will do, and a bloody conflict is possible.
It is estimated that most Bulgarian stadiums have barbed wire fences because there are too many football hooligans here.
He thought it was Zhang Tiehan’s performance in the game.
Two goals, a long-range shot and a header are the same as his understanding of Zhang Tiehan. Zhang Tiehan is excellent in both aspects, which is definitely the top level in the world. Sophia Central Army has effectively defended him.
With these two abilities, he is worth 30 million pounds.
However, Benitez still hopes to see more than just Zhang man of iron’s scoring ability.
Zhang Tiehan doesn’t know what Benitez is like. He also thinks about that now. All he has to do is score goals and keep scoring goals, which makes these annoying Bulgarian fans despair.
They all say that people should leave a line, but now he doesn’t want to leave a line!
So when many people talked about the goal just now, Zhang man of iron had once again put himself into the game and tried to find a chance.
CSKA Sofia’s defense in Liverpool has a lot of loopholes, and maybe they can’t make up for them at all.
Like this time
After Gerrard and Alonso cooperated with the ball, both of them had reached the front of the penalty area, and Zhang man of iron’s position was parallel to theirs. Gerrard shot himself and gave the ball to Zhang Tiehan without a chance.
A CSKA Sofia defender immediately ran to defend.
Zhang Tiehan turned to protect the ball and squeezed him. Immediately, the heel of the horse pushed the ball behind him and turned around and rushed forward at the same time. The reaction was quite fast, but his starting speed was much worse than Zhang Tiehan’s. When Zhang man of iron chased the ball, he didn’t even have a chance to reach for a man of iron jersey.
Zhang Tiehan has waded the ball into the penalty area.
Other CSKA Sofia players came to make up the defense, but they came too late. Zhang Tiehan started to shoot the football at the first time after chasing the ball, and plunged directly into the net, leaving no hope for CSKA Sofia to defend.
Just when Zhang Tiehan got the ball, many commentators were still talking about the goal just now and Zhang man of iron moving in front of Bulgarian fans’ stands.
"Zhang is a little impulsive, but they should forgive him. After all, he is just twenty years old …" The English commentator excused Zhang Tiehan. "That’s because Bulgarian fans are full of racial discrimination. FIFA should not give them the opportunity to participate in the Champions League qualifiers and should punish them severely …"
Just as he was talking, he switched the angle of the picture just to see Zhang man of iron rushing to the goal and pumping a foot at the football.
It takes less than two or three seconds from shooting to scoring.
The English commentator froze for half a day before he reacted with a long roar "gal! ! ! ! ! !”
This sound is exciting enough.
But the fact is that he didn’t see Zhang Tiehan at all. If he got the chance, he didn’t know what to say next. When he tidied up his thoughts, he was a little choked.
He took several breaths in a row before he recovered.
Many fans are full of affection for this commentator because he has a’ professionalism’ that other commentators don’t have.


Lin Yi’s ass hasn’t been seated yet, and the door of Yip Han was knocked again.

"Please come in!" Ye Hanyang said
A short soldier crossed the door and entered the door. He stood at attention and was about to salute. When he looked up, he saw that the person in front raised his hand halfway, froze and stared at the hey hey smile. Ye Han "Holy shit?"
Yip hon jokingly raised his eyebrows. "Old Ye told the chief to salute me quickly!"
"Respect who is afraid of who?" Duan Zhiyang saluted at attention. "Senior colonel comrade Duan Zhiyang, captain of Beihai, reports to you!"
Yip hon laughed. "Come on, come on, you’re doing well. You’ve all trained the captain of Beihai … a 26-class capital ship, right?"
Duan Zhiyang also don’t mention it. Before Yip hon talks, he sat down and looked at his shoulder with a wry smile. "I’m fast, but I’m nothing compared with you, a pervert."
"You are abnormal, and your family is abnormal!" Yip hon glared but didn’t forget to get down to business. "How can I transfer you here?"
Duan Zhiyang also put away the joke and nodded solemnly. "The main thing is to escort …" His eyes glanced at Lin Yi in a hidden way, but he didn’t see it, but Yip hon saw it clearly.
This is asking about the situation. Duan Zhiyang obviously knows this time, but he doesn’t know about Lin Yi’s situation. He doesn’t say a word about it.
Lin Yi got up early. Yip Han saw the horse and said, "You see, I’m busy and happy to go to the old section. This is Lin Yi, a nice young man, captain Yushan; This is Duan Zhiyang. We were the first moon companions. "
Lin Yi quickly saluted "Captain Duan"
His respect is not false. It didn’t last long to expand North Moon Island, but the first pioneers of North Moon Island have contributed greatly from the beginning to the present glory.
Presumably, yip hon could not have been promoted to senior colonel Duan Zhiyang so quickly without the achievement of expanding the moon, and he would not have been the main captain at a young age.
Duan Zhiyang smiled and reciprocated with his right hand. "You didn’t introduce us, but we didn’t have much contact."
Chapter 9 vast amounts of friends (2)
"That’s a good feeling!" Yip hon also smiled "I can count on you two later"
"Don’t lie to you, a senior colonel. Don’t expect me to put the cart before the horse in this school? We are both counting on you! " Duan Zhiyang quickly cleared his responsibility. "When the sky falls, there is a tall man with my head. Is my rank and my qualifications top me?"
"You rank again, I am anxious with you, believe it or not!" Yip hon ruthlessly stare big eyes before Duan Zhiyang how he laughed first.
Lin Yi knows that he should be modest, but Yip Han and Duan Zhiyang don’t give him a chance to cut in at all.
Lin gets a look at simply don’t talk, take the initiative to get up and pour water for Yip hon and Duan Zhiyang, and take the opportunity to say, "Chief, if you have nothing to talk about, I will go back first. You also know that the Yushan has just been repaired and it will have to be run-in for a while."
"Ok, then you can go back first." Yip hon agreed without thinking. "If you have any difficulties and need to report to me immediately, don’t delay."
"Don’t worry."
"Go," Yip Han sent Lin Yi away and immediately put away his smile. "You brought a warship in the old section?"
"It’s good to have one. Don’t be selfish. The North Sea has just transferred a batch of nuclear bombs to me. I dare not say that it destroyed Io, but adding a glass shell to Io is definitely no problem." Duan Zhiyang sighed. "Do you think there are too few warships?"
"That’s for sure, but it’s not that I don’t know what the situation is. I’ll just give me a landing craft, and this one with you has exceeded expectations," said Yip Han.
It is not polite for him to say so. At present, no one knows why aliens take the initiative to ask for negotiations. There is a view that this is an alien diversion. If humans send a fleet delegation to escort, then one less fleet will guard the earth, and an alien fleet will attack the earth to create favorable conditions.
However, not many people agree with this view, because there cannot be too many escort warships, and three or five ships are already the limit, which has no effect on the overall strength of the human fleet.
Duan Zhiyang smiled optimistically. "It’s nothing to have me on this ship. If you really have an accident and fight for your life, you may not be able to get away. I will die before you for a while. Don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll go with you without leaving you alone."
"Fuck off. I have a wife and children and I haven’t lived enough. Who will accompany you!" Yip hon grumpily hammered Duan Zhiyang one punch "ah, you are not always North Moon Island? How did you become a captain again? "
Duan Zhiyang’s eyes are full of strangeness. "How long have you been gone, and when am I North Moon Island?"
Yip hon couldn’t help laughing when he thought about it. "It’s also that I’ve been in a mess for a long time!"
Duan Zhiyang also smiled, "Can you not be chaotic? Look at your first fleet, your second fleet, your third fleet and your fourth fleet, or you. It’s strange when you can remember clearly when you hibernate for half a year!"
"Long live understanding!" Yip hon waved his fist. "Don’t change the subject later!"
"Hi, I really have nothing to say." Duan Zhiyang showed a look of memory. "You also know that North Moon Island is not our time. The level of North Moon Island is getting higher and higher now, and it is almost the same as that of the municipality directly under the Central Government. Our original people are becoming more and more marginalized."
Speaking of this, Duan Zhiyang can’t help but sigh. "Look at you and Lao Gao and look at the gap between us!"
Ye Han is crying. "Normal North Moon Island is becoming more and more important. How can those people not think about North Moon Island?"
Nowadays, Beiyuezhou not only has super-class heavy industry, but also the largest military base in the Republic, which is irreplaceable in both industry and military. It is only natural that Beiyuezhou will be promoted to political status.
Moreover, North Moon Island is the only place where there are no giant worms, which is much safer than the earth at present. Officials with political ambitions are more likely to make achievements in such places, and those without political ambitions are more secure in this place. Why don’t those qualified officials in North Moon Island come?
Duan Zhiyang a face of nai "the more people come, the less we elders have status, and we don’t want to be relegated to second place and have no suitable position. We don’t want to work together and discuss it several times, and it happens that the fleet is short of people. I just signed up for the fleet because I am the pilot and sent me directly to the captain training class … To be honest, I don’t know if this step is right or wrong."
Yip hon smiled understandingly. "There are so many right and wrong in the world. Just follow your feelings."
Although Beiyuezhou has the moon, it has developed in all aspects as well as the first-tier cities in China. Now Beiyuezhou has become a very mature city. In recent years, a large number of people have moved and brought some bad habits into Beiyuezhou. Although Duan Zhiyang and his elders have played an indelible role in the establishment of Beiyuezhou, it is still very difficult to get through this situation.


Yip hon couldn’t understand what he was shouting, but the American soldiers and armored vehicles didn’t move. Obviously, the second blasting still failed to make a passage.

Everyone’s faces are even uglier.
Although several people didn’t die in the battle after the warship came out of the water, it’s not necessary to be beaten by aliens. If we put everyone together and ask who dares to fight with aliens, at least half of them can come out.
But the problem is that if you dare to fight hard, you have to fight against aliens. How can you be an alien warship opponent with rifles and rapid-fire guns in your hands?
Even if it’s more than a hundred meters long, it’s a warship. No!
American soldiers hiding on both sides of the passage got up at the same time and rushed into the passage again to witness this scene. Ye Han suddenly had a brainwave and looked up and shouted "Ouyang Ping-"
"How many explosives do you have there?"
"Sixty kilograms of C4!" Ouyang Ping replied.
Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for the executive force to bring so many explosives, but Yip Han knew that Ouyang Ping’s blasting technology had brought more explosives before he left, otherwise there were ten kilograms of explosives, so how could there be so many goods left?
Yip hon suddenly got up, lowered his body a few steps and jumped to Ouyang Ping’s side. "Listen to my command and follow me forward to cover others?"
"Where to rush?" Ouyang Ping asked
Ye Han pointed to the alien warship in the water. "Are you confident that the water will crawl and blow it up?"
Ouyang Ping’s eyes flashed. "Just look at it … it’s best to ask the Americans for some explosives at the safe point."
"Sixty kilograms is not enough? The aircraft carriers are all blown through! "
Ouyang Ping retorted, "This is an alien warship."
Yip hon bullet "wait!" Then he rushed directly into the passage, grabbed the American soldier’s explosive backpack and ran out.
Those American soldiers were blindsided and followed Yip Han out to get their backpacks back.
Yip hon didn’t give a chance to suddenly stop drinking "Chong!" Taking his word, he jumped out like a leopard.
Ouyang Ping quickly rushed forward with two people, one left and one right, flat and agile, and at the same time, others Liu Bin led the fire. Even if the bullet could not penetrate the warship shell, it would distract a little alien attention and be stronger than nothing.
Chasing out of the channel, the American soldiers suddenly realized what Yip Han wanted to do, and several people rushed after him without hesitation.
What are you doing back in the tunnel when the explosives are gone? If you can get rid of the alien warships, are you still in a hurry to blow up the passage?
Chapter 77 Blasting (1)
Aliens have no intention at all. Ye Han and Ouyang Ping are still in the direction of the wreckage. Those American soldiers followed after that, which caused a little note from aliens, but it was no longer a matter of taking a casual look.
Just now, armored vehicles didn’t do anything to the spacecraft. Aliens have the most direct understanding of human firepower. They clearly realize that armored vehicles are far more powerful than human firepower. Although they can’t penetrate the hull of the spacecraft, coping with the crisis can prompt them to fight armored vehicles first and then clean up human beings.
Not only that, the aliens are also trying to capture human beings to make up for the losses, otherwise the American soldiers in the water would have been cleaned up by aliens.
Aliens didn’t specifically target anyone, but they didn’t deliberately avoid anyone. If they were swept away, the debris would be like a dead body field.
And the closer you get to the shore, the closer you get to the ship. A little deflection of the light will wipe out all the stormtroopers
Fortunately, the arrogance and negligence of aliens enabled Yip Han to successfully rush into the water. He immediately started the high-pressure nitrogen in the propeller gas tank to blas out from the nozzle and push the heavy power armor to swim to the warship.
Power armor is too heavy to float when it falls into the water, and it can’t float by paddling the roots on all fours. If auxiliary equipment is not used, it can sink to the bottom.
China’s "jet" propulsion speed is very fast, and the American soldiers’ water jet thrusters are not bad. Several people dive like several out-of-the-box torpedoes that quickly approach the alien spacecraft from the water and go straight to the spacecraft for three meters before closing the thrusters.
Although Yip Han is very fast, the huge resistance of the water makes his speed drop sharply, and he just dives into the alien spacecraft with his arms clinging to the edge of the spacecraft.
Hua rang, Ouyang Ping drilled out of the water beside Yip Han, and rushed to the alien spacecraft to stabilize himself and immediately looked at Yip Han.
Ye Han pointed to the thin light emission port just a few meters away. "Is that sure?"
Two people are not far from the launching port, but how high is the launching port from the water and the bow of the ship is almost vertical, and there is no place to climb. It is not that simple to blow up the launching port.
But it’s clear to Ouyang Ping that Yip Han asked if he could not climb to the top, but if he could put the explosives away-a joke: 60 kilograms of explosives can’t collapse a launching port?
He immediately took out a few pieces of plastic explosives from his backpack and squeezed them together, then inserted a detonator to make the best answer.
At this time, the water around them rang, and the American soldiers came out of the water one after another. They all made explosions and recognized what Ouyang Ping had at a glance, but the most attractive thing was the explosive detonator.


Fengyun light stare big eyes.

Xiao Linchu patted her on the head and a little bit of chicken Xianglian "Be enemies and complain-Chapter 71 Fengyun is light on you damn pig.
Chapter 71 Fengyun light you damn pig
Xiao Linchu patted her on the head with a little phoenix Xianglian. "Revenge for revenge and complain for hatred-"
Although Fengyun was light and weak, she had a long knife in her hand, but she was not as imposing as Fengxianglian.
Looking at this situation, Fengxianglian doesn’t know that Xiao Linchu is brought here by Fengyun Light, and she is an idiot.
When angry drink a whip in her hand toward the Fengyun lightly.
Fengyun took a light breath in a gasp and became speechless. There was no defense against Fengxianglian, a bitch.
She thought she was going to get a whip again, but she saw Xiao Linchu’s slender hands holding the whip in a short time.
How did Feng Xianglian pull the whip? She stared at Xiao Linchu and turned red. Did he have fun with himself and want to play with himself?
Xiao Linchu ignored Feng Xianglian’s initiative. Although she saw her face red, she knew that she had moved her mind.
He frowned at Feng Yun. "Why don’t you do it?"
Fengyun reacted lightly and took the knife and cut it toward Fengxianglian. When Xiao Linchu couldn’t break free for a while, he could abandon the whip and run for his life.
Phoenix stared at the sea, and those slaves just wanted to help before they were held hostage by the shadow guards behind them.
No one dares to make a move when the cold knife rest is on the neck
Fang Heng two fingers holding phoenix toward the sea neck cold way "chicken adult you’d better be smart or you move this hand I will crush your neck …"
Feng Chao-hai swallowed and his face was livid, but his neck was in someone’s hand and his roots could not move.
Fengxianglian was chased around, and her skill was not as good as Fengyun’s, and she was even more flustered at the moment.
Fengyun is so enjoyable that she calls "Fengxianglian, I’m going to chop you up and feed the fish-"
"Dad, dad, help …" Fengxiang Lotus was pale and cried and hid behind Phoenix Chaohai.
However, Feng Chaohai can’t help but save her. It’s lighter to suppress a red face than to stare at Feng Yun in anger.
Fang Heng looked back at Feng Xianglian, who was pale, and raised his foot to kick Feng Xianglian to Feng Yunqing’s side.
Fengxianglian hasn’t got up yet, and a long willow knife with cold light is placed on her neck.
Fengyun squinted "Hum" and stared at her with a smile. Fengxianlian had collapsed to the ground, and her face was as white as paper and she couldn’t help shivering, climbing towards the phoenix toward the sea.
See phoenix cloud light has been slow to start work Xiao Linchu cold charm a smile "cloud light stop that now-"
Fengyun nodded lightly and wanted to let Fengxianlian go, but Feng Chaohai sighed, "Yes, this gentleman said to stop it for you. It’s always sisters. You can’t really do it to Xianglian, can you?"
"Yes, I cut her arms and legs directly …" Xiao Linchu said indifferently.
Phoenix toward the sea face a change "…"
Fengxianglian is crying regardless of the image. She climbs back in horror.
Feng Yun looked back at Xiao Linchu with some difficulty. "Why don’t you give her another chance? If she bullies me and my balls again, I’ll cut her with a knife, okay?"
Xiao Linchu frowns and squints at the beautiful phoenix eyes, and the cold light shines.
Fengyun is light and a little afraid to hesitate with a long knife.
Phoenix Xianglian cried for mercy. "Sister, I know I’m wrong. I’ll never bully you and your balls again. I’ll never bully anyone again …"
She sobbed and burst into tears, wet her makeup, and she shrank to the ground in a panic.
Fengyun looked at her softly and looked back at Xiao Linchu. "Look at her, she has admitted her mistake, and she will be sorry for her conscience if I do it again, won’t she?"
Xiao Linchu looked at her with a wretched smile and frowned more tightly. "Stupid-"
After that, he turned to leave Fang Heng and let go of Feng Chao and Feng Yun, but he was a dog’s leg. "Xianggong, you are so handsome and handsome!"
Xiao Linchu turn head to wind her got to smile "than you male god’s adult …"
"…" Asshole must always take male god’s adult sarcasm at her?
After several days in a row, Feng Yun buried herself in her studies and finally taught her husband that she was worried and looked forward to it.
Her private school was not scolded at home, nor was it tossed by Xiao Linchu. Although Xiao Liancheng’s door often looked around, she was watched by Mammy and kicked this cheeky guy out.
She is as happy as a bird and will fly.
On this day, as usual, Feng Yunqing was the first to rush out of the private school after school. She slung over her shoulder and asked Mammy to help sew the bag as she asked.
She waited outside the private school for a long time before she walked out of the private school and said something to Mr. Private School.
Fengyun gently waved in a hurry "balls balls-"
Mr. Wang smiled gently at Fengyun and said, "Your mother is waiting for you. Go quickly. Watch your mother and don’t let her get into trouble again!"
After these days, Mr. Get along with each other has thoroughly understood Feng Yunqing and gradually became fond of this shrewd girl.
Fengyun light heartless outside with a smile, "Sir, don’t worry, I won’t tell my" xianggong "that you punished me again today …"

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"You are right to say so!" The fairy’s tone was a little confused. "It’s strange that there are no practitioners in your world, but these statements are really similar!"

"Not necessarily." Chu Yanqi said, remembering that Master once said that collecting the dragon spirit of heaven and earth was for his own use, and the fortune of heaven and earth could be controlled, let alone people. This kind of state, if you don’t practice, it is absolutely impossible.
"There is also a certain realm of spiritual cultivation, which is roughly similar to spiritual cultivation." The fairy continued, "Now I will teach you how to move the Yuan God and open up the sea of knowledge."
"Know the sea?" ChuYan habitat one leng, this is a new term.
"Yes, I have heard the formula that Chu Hua taught you to cultivate the spirit. It is based on the abdomen, and three inches below the navel is the abdomen." The fairy said again, "It’s different to cultivate gods. Knowing the sea in the middle of the eyebrows is the basis of all cultivation. Now, I said, you do-close the five senses, and the gods are restrained … "
Chu Yan lived under the guidance of the Jade Ding Fairy, and it took him more than an hour to know how to master his own gods. The next moment, he only felt the darkness between his eyebrows, and suddenly there was a flash of lightning, and there was a loud bang. Then, he saw that his sea of knowledge was broken. In the darkness around him, his sea of knowledge was a little more golden, very small, but so glorious.
There is a tiny golden light, wrapped in a very thin breath. He knows that this is the power of his own Yuan God. In the professional parlance of Yu Sakura Fairy, it is called-soul power.
"Hoo …" Chu Yanqi vomited a mouthful of polluted air, opened his eyes and cried, "This is it?" In an instant, he felt that his facial features seemed to be particularly acute, and his bones were a lot lighter, knowing that this was because of the strength of the Yuan God, which led to a clear sense.
"Yes …" said Fairy Yuding. "You really are a rare genius in cultivating gods, and you have broken the sea of knowledge so quickly."
"Is this fast?" ChuYanQi frown, "I have spent more than an hour …"
"More than an hour?" Jade tripod fairy exaggerated cried, "what do you want? Think that year the fairy … "
"How long did it take you?" ChuYan habitat curious asked.
"Three days!" Although I don’t want to admit that I am not as good as Chu Yanqi, the Jade Ding Fairy still said honestly, "Don’t look at such a step, but it is such a step that many people can’t do it all their lives. It is much more difficult to cultivate the spirit itself than to cultivate the spirit in this world, because it is relatively easy as long as it can open up the sea of knowledge, arouse the vitality of heaven and earth, and cultivate immortality in the flesh. "
"I can’t do it all my life?" ChuYanQi some confused.
"yes." Jade tripod fairy said, "it also depends on talent, do you think everyone can practice? It is said that it is a genius to break through the sea in three months, and it is a golden mean to break through it in one to three years. If it takes more than three or five years, even if it can be cultivated, it will be difficult to achieve anything for life. "
"Maybe, because I am a waste in spiritual cultivation, it is convenient and talented here." After hearing the fairy Yu Ding say so, Chu Yanqi immediately became happy and was able to practice, and the future life would be much better.
"Next, you will strengthen the cultivation of Yuan God, which depends on your own nature." Fairy Yuding said, "If you don’t understand anything, you can ask me."
"good!" Chu Yanqi was busy agreeing, "Fairy, I haven’t asked your name yet."
"Do what?" Just now, I mentioned the cultivation of a serious fairy. At this time, I changed my style and cried very roguishly, "Do you want to draw a circle to curse me?"
"If I could curse people by drawing a circle, I would have cursed Chu Zhengming to death a long time ago." ChuYanQi wry smile way, "I just ask …"
"When you can get out of your body, you will be able to control things. Although confrontation may not be able to win, it is still possible to sneak up on him." Fairy Yuding said, "Do you really want to know my name?"
Chu Yanqi was a little excited and said, "This nature must know its name before it can be called. How long will it take me to get out of the body? "
Under the popular science of the Jade Ding Fairy, Chu Yanqi realized that the cultivation of gods was just as bad as the cultivation of spirits, but there was a certain boundary difference. First, it was to break the sea, and then it was to fix the gods, out-of-body experience, secret realm, Yuan Ying, distraction and Mahayana. Up there, it’s a fairy level, all kinds of mysteries.
Chu Yanqi asked what realm the fairy was, but she always refused to say. Finally, she was helpless and could only tell Chu Yanqi that her original practice was above Mahayana and she was a real fairy.
"I said fairy, you haven’t told me your name?" Chu Yanqi asked this question again.
"Feather cherry!" This time, Fairy Yuding said brightly, "I tell you, you mustn’t tell anyone."
"Well, my good fairy, you are my secret. Who can I tell?" ChuYan habitat helplessly said, "feather sakura? Which two words? "
"Feather feathers, cherry blossoms." The feather cherry fairy said again, "Don’t draw a circle to curse me either."
"If you urge me to draw a circle to curse you, I will draw a circle." ChuYan habitat is really funny, this feather cherry fairy sounds crisp and bright, seems to be young, talk between a childlike, really cute.
As he spoke, his fingers deliberately drew a circle in the void.
"No painting!" Feather cherry fairy nu way, "said no painting."
"Okay, okay, don’t draw." ChuYan habitat in distress situation, just a circle, can really curse her?
"I’m going to take a shower. You are not allowed to peek." Chu Yanqi said that when he thought of this question, he was a little embarrassed. He didn’t know it at first, but now he knows that he still carries such a fairy around him, and he wants to let her see it early.
"Gee, what good things have you never seen? Do you still need to peek?" Sure enough, feather cherry fairy said with disdain.
"Don’t tell me, you peeked at it early in the morning." Chu Yanqi gritted his teeth and said angrily, "Didn’t you hear the sage say, see no evil?"
Chu Yanqi’s playful laughter came from the sea of knowledge: "You look really good, and you can’t find any flaws all over your body. Gee, men are so good-looking, in fact, they are used to be seen. If you were born in our world, it would be the top grade. "
"What?" Chu Yanqi feels that his scalp is numb. Top grade? People are also graded?
"In the long years, immortals always have to have some fun for themselves." Feather cherry fairy said, "an imposing fairy goes out, and if there are few fairy pets around, she is embarrassed to say hello to people." You look like this, not only the female fairy is in demand, but also the male fairy is estimated to grab it. "
"You shut up!" Chu Yanqi felt cold sweat on his head, but fortunately, he didn’t take possession of her in her abnormal world. How chaotic is this?
"I’m telling the truth. What are you so excited about?" Feather cherry fairy hey smiled, "Only your world will be polite to teach the great defense. It is estimated that this world will not pay so much attention, and my world will be more open. As I said, it is a long time, and we must always find something to kill time."



a few months

Enough to cultivate a certain faith
He brittle mouth
"My dad met a dying fairy when he was young."
"dying?" Wei wench blinked.
"Will immortals die?"
"I don’t know," Wu Sansi shook his head.
"But in my memory, my father said that the nine meteors’ fate knives and longevity skills all came from that’ immortal’."
"Later …"
A dark expression he slow way
"My father passed away and asked Uncle Wang to bring me here."
"So you have been to this town before?" Zhou yi nodded
"Didn’t you meet a fairy at that time?"
"No" Wu Sansi shook his head.
"But I met a man named Jieyin Messenger, who said that he was a younger brother of the Fairy Sect, and I could join the Fairy Sect."
"But after two years, two years later, a fairy will come, and then I can follow the fairy but cultivate the fairy."
The process is simple, but some of it doesn’t make sense
such as
If we know that Xianyuan is here, Wu Tiantong has to take a big risk to rebel and slaughter the people.
Another example
Wang Chonggu also knows that this place is not always here?
Nai Wu Sansi is a child. He was only five years old two years ago. His memory is not clear, let alone why.
Zhou yi asked slowly
"How can you be sure that the fairy is coming?"
Wu Sansi jilted to jilt waist a golden spike way
"When this thing lights up, say that the immortal is nearby, and you can find the immortal by following its fingerprints."
"Uh …"
Wei wench blinked bent down to raise ear callous way
"Why do I feel that it seems to be shining now?"
Zhou Yi’s figure flashed in front of the two men and stared at the golden spike that was flashing back and forth thoughtfully.
"Here comes the fairy."
His language is faint
There is both curiosity and fear in his heart about the immortal. After all, the immortal can easily kill him in the smell.
"What are the two sentences left for longevity?"
Paused he looked at Wu Sansi.
"Say it and go to see the’ fairy’."

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Chen Kai is particularly ugly face "do you want to default? ! If you don’t do as I ask, I will die-"

At the same time, the wind urged the snow hand to press on Chen Kai’s shoulder, and there was no trace of panic. "Hush, your sister Shen has come, even if it is self-destructive repair or leaving the Tianyan Sect, you have to wait for it to come out of the secret realm. Otherwise, I will rashly self-destruct Shen Yubo now, and I will suspect that you have done something bad from it?"
Chen Kai was so worried that he kept a close eye on the wind and urged the snow. He never thought that the situation would turn over so quickly and become a threat to himself … He was the one holding the evidence.
"Don’t push me into a hurry. I’m angry, but no one can recognize me." The wind urged the snow to press on Chen Kai’s shoulder with one hand and expect something. Shen Yu’s spirit is coming towards the two men.
Chen Kai’s face turned blue and black.
At the same time, Shen Yupo walked up to the two men. "What are you two whispering about?"
The wind urged the snow to put it on Chen Kai’s shoulder and smiled and said, "I’m asking Brother Chen a question."
Shen Yupo’s expression was more confused, but he didn’t ask any more questions. He took Chen Kai’s hand and turned away unnaturally. "Everyone is waiting for you two. Go, go, go."
They set off soon and marched all the way to Langya’s secret land, and it didn’t take long for the wind to push the snow to behave normally. However, Chen Kai has been absent-minded and Shen Yu’s spirit is quite worried
There was an accident when entering Langya’s secret land. The cold wind roared at the entrance of the secret land and there was a magic array blessing. After entering the secret land, everyone was soon separated.
Fortunately, the brothers who entered the secret realm have some experience this time, and they soon got together again, but Chen Kai couldn’t find it.
Shen Yu’s spirit is rushing around, but this secret place is like a maze, and the path is constantly changing. From time to time, there are all kinds of animals and hidden dangers. It is difficult to find a person.
You shouldn’t look for someone when there is a lot of waves in Langya’s Secret Land. However, Shen Yupo doesn’t trust Chen Kai’s safety and insists on searching for everyone. If you can’t stop it, you can stay with him who waits. Finally, Shen Yupo found the trace of Chen Kai.
At this time, Chen Kai was tied with rattan and hidden in a hidden cave, relying on water dripping from rocks outside the cave to maintain his life. Chen Kai collapsed like a dying dog, his eyes were blinded by something, and the remaining two horrible blood holes were cut off, and his five fingers were broken … The most important thing is that his whole body was broken, and the sea was destroyed and repaired.
No survival, no death, no
Chapter 133 Chapter 133
Once the Langya Mystery is opened, the door will be closed until three months later. Chen Kai was so badly injured that even if everyone decided to return, they could wait until the door was opened again because of the ban.
The Mysterious Land is full of crises. With a cripple who is even difficult to walk, the road is naturally more dangerous. They touched the most difficult demon in the Mysterious Land-it is a monster made up of thousands of monks or demons who died here, and it is designed to eat people’s brains.
When they were fighting, they stepped into the monster swamp one after another and inhaled a lot of poisonous fog. When Chen Kai was caught in the claws by the monster.
Shen Yu’s eyes are cracked, plus toxic hair, can’t help but spray one mouthful blood "Chen Kai! !”
Chen Kai was terrified and shouted’ Ah’ and’ Ah’. He was held aloft in the middle by the monster. He was blind and didn’t know what happened, but he didn’t know that the pointed beak of the monster was hanging over his head.
Because of the poisonous fog, everyone is a little slow, and only the wind urges the snow to act as usual, holding the snow sword and fighting the monster.
"Teacher younger brother! Help him quickly! " Shen Yu’ o hurriedly way
The wind urges the snow to hold the sword against the monster’s beak, and the other palm pinches the method and definitely bombards the monster. Grasp Chen Kai’s claws! He naturally wants Chen Kai to live more than others. Once Chen Kai dies, his secret will be brought back to Tianyan School by Chen Kai’s last consciousness and made public.
It is …
After a few moves, the monster swept around, and the poisonous fog became more and more thick. The poisonous fog swamp around here was the incarnation of this monster, and they were surrounded by this monster. Every move of this monster was strictly guarded against sticking to it without revealing a flaw. Chen Kai would not be able to grab it for a while. Not only that, but everyone was also firmly trapped here. If you don’t go out … I’m afraid these people will die in this poisonous fog.
Shen Yu’s eyes burst into tears and prayed to him for something, but it was too noisy and the wind urged Xuegen not to hear what the other party was saying, but he didn’t want to hear it either.
The wind urged the snow to cast a deep glance and was firmly grasped by the monster. Chen Kai, the deaf and blind man, seemed to realize something. He raised his head and opened his mouth to him with a desperate roar.
At the same time, the wind and snow suddenly stepped back and let go of the sword against the monster’s pointed beak
For a moment, the monster’s long beak deeply pierced the bone of Chen Kai’s top of the skull, followed by a "snow" sound.
The flaw was exposed in an instant, and the sword in the hand of urging snow mercilessly pierced the monster’s low neck.
The wind urged the snow to hug and scream, and Shen Yupo ran outside the poisonous fog. At the same time, the sword swept away and the surrounding poisonous fog was swept away with a wave of his hand!
Even when evacuated, a few brothers were folded in because of the strong poisonous fog.
Survived, but everyone was dead silent.
Everyone knows that the wind and snow saved them, but … the opportunity to save them was Chen Kai’s death.
Even if they all know that even without today’s monster, Chen Kai is absolutely unable to get out of Langya.
No one wants to be this wicked man, no matter how hard the road is, no one wants to give up Chen Kai, not to mention whether the other person is Chen Jiadi of Zhongzhou with royal blood or the future husband of Ye Hong’s elder brother.
Now that the wind and the snow have taken the lead in giving up Chen Kai, he has made this wicked man in his early days.
The words of thanks came to their lips and they thought of Chen Kai’s death, so they shut up again.
Shen Yu’s spirit has collapsed and can’t stop beating the wind to push the snow. "Why don’t you save him! You can save! "
For a moment, it was suddenly pushed away from my arms by the wind and snow
"You can walk back and die with him," the wind urged the snow coldly.
Shen Yu’ o has never seen each other so indifferent and dazed.
At this time, someone finally spoke. "Senior Master Shen Cui had to save us …"
"You shut up!" Shen Yu’s spirit looked at the wind and urged the snow with tears. "You can save him, right … Those poisonous fogs are useless to you. You can save him …"
The wind urged the snow to take a deep breath in the pneumothorax, and there was never any irritation. He forcibly suppressed this mania to calm down and explained to Shen Yubo, "I can’t save him, and you will be poisoned by poison gas."
However, at the moment, the wind and the snow in my heart actually don’t want to say a word. I want to leave this place and stay away from these noisy people. He is a little puzzled that a person will become so arrogant after his heart belongs to him.
"You can save … you can save …" Shen Yupo looked at him with tearful eyes. "You don’t want to save … you always hate Chen Kai."


"One hundred and forty-seven thousand"

The blue flame meteorite caused a sensation among the monks present as soon as it came out. The bidding was even more intense than that of raising Shenmu, and most monks participated in it. After all, this top-level refining material is more practical than raising Shenmu, and it is necessary to refine magic weapons except for some auxiliary classes.
Yang Xiu saw that this blue-flame meteorite was the size of fists, and its surface was as uneven as rust, but it was ugly.
Although I am also excited in my heart, I am not in a hurry to know that it is still the tentative stage for all. Let’s get rid of some hesitant monks and see who will sincerely buy them.
However, in a moment, Biyan meteorite was driven up to the price of 170,000 by a burly man. Now there are fewer bidders and there are not many monks who are still watching like Yang Xiu.
"175 million" shouted a black man.
"Hundreds" burly man saw the horse and shouted.
The price of "102 thousand" has obviously reached the bottom line of the black-robed old man, and the increase is no longer big
The "105,000" burly man obviously shouted out a high price for this truth.
Seeing this, the old man in black shook his head, feeling sorry and depressed. Obviously, he no longer bids.
The burly man can’t help but wait for the rickety old man to pronounce sentence when he sees this.
"There will be no LingShi in one hundred and five thousand? If it weren’t for this blue flame meteorite, it would be owned by this Taoist friend. "The rickety old man looked at all the people present and shouted.
"190,000" didn’t think that as soon as the rickety old man finished, a monk shouted, clearly a female monk.
Yang Xiu also followed the crowd’s line of sight. Now the female monk is wearing a big robe and a hat. It’s not that she can’t see that the hat is a female monk after she finishes speaking.
The burly Han didn’t expect anyone to argue with him and couldn’t help frowning slightly. He directly shouted "200,000" to test the determination of a female monk.
"210,000" did not hesitate to repair or follow the path.
At this moment, Yang Xiu didn’t frown, but this blue-flame meteorite was unconsciously carried to such a high level, but it was somewhat uneconomical.
"215,000" burly Chinese girl couldn’t budge, but she couldn’t help shouting higher. When you look at it, you will know that his bottom line is coming.
The female voice of "220,000" is still a calm one. The Buddha shouted out not a lingshi but a stone.
Yang Xiu saw that they would raise the price higher and higher, and he couldn’t help but sit still. He wanted to shout a high price for two or one of them to retreat.
But want to haven’t waited for him to shout export someone beat him to shout out "two hundred and fifty thousand" obviously this person is also like Yang Xiu thought.
See things twists and turns and fight an accident, although they didn’t bid, but the enthusiasm in their hearts was ignited and there was a feeling of blood.
Suddenly, the price is a skinny old man in a patched long gown with a lock of beard. His face looks like it hasn’t been washed for a long time, and he can’t see the color. A pair of small eyes are flashing with strange colors, but they are smiling at any time, which gives people an obscene feeling, and he doesn’t even wear a mask.
Yang Xiu also faintly heard someone exclaim, "It was him who stole the magic beggar?"? !”
The old man obviously heard it, and he couldn’t help smiling at the monk who came out of the sound, scaring the other side to turn his head to one side as if he were hiding from athel loren.
Seeing the sudden price, Yang Xiu can’t help but feel a tight heart. Although the old man is sloppy, he has a late stage of knot Dan, and it is obviously necessary to directly pay such a high price.
It seems that it is more difficult than expected to successfully get blue-flame meteorite today, and it is necessary to bleed out.
The female xiu and the burly Han saw that there was another malicious person. As soon as they raised the price to such a high level, they couldn’t help showing their anger, but when they saw the bearer, they suddenly became angry and hesitated.
The original price is going to the bottom line, burly man, but it is directly from the closing of the new chair, but it is no longer quoted.
The female monk hesitated for a moment, but she didn’t just bid "260 thousand"
"Two hundred and seventy thousand" the magic beggar stole God or shouted with a smile.
When Yang Xiu saw this, he knew that he couldn’t wait any longer, otherwise the two men would have a new round of tug-of-war, and the price would go up, so he immediately said decisively, "300 thousand."
The monks saw that there were still people bidding, and each one was more enjoyable than the other. At that time, everyone’s eyes turned to Yang Xiu and they felt that Yang Xiu had a knot in Dan’s early days, and then he was interested.
However, Yang Xiu remained in the same mood and didn’t show the slightest difference
The beggar thief and the female monk also looked at this side, laughing and disappearing, showing a malicious look.
Seeing Yang Xiu in this way by a knot Dan in the later period can’t help but flush a little bitterness in my heart. I don’t know how long it will take to meet him again if I’m not afraid of missing this opportunity. I really don’t want to snatch food from the jaws of death.
However, since we have done it, we can’t turn a blind eye to the magic beggar’s stealing eyes, otherwise people will see that guilt will definitely lead to many sequelae.
Besides, he now has the magic weapon of the avatar, the ghost king and Bai Zhi. Unless he meets the monk of Yuanying period, the monk of Jiedan period wants to hit on him. He is confident that he can cope with it, so he is not really afraid.
The magic beggar stole God’s sight of Yang Xiu, but his eyes were full of surprise. He couldn’t help but see each other’s depth, but he didn’t give up thinking for a moment. Obviously, "three hundred and ten thousand" has reached his bottom line.
And that female monk has long since given up the auction by sitting back again, looking at the magic beggar stealing the gods and Yang Xiu watching the play.
Seeing each other’s momentum is weak, Yang Xiu’s spirit shocked and struck again, suddenly shouting out his bottom line "350 thousand"
He has made up his mind that if the other party still dares to bargain, he won’t bid again. This price is nearly twice higher than the original price. If he doesn’t want to rush to refine the magic weapon of life, it will not cost 300 thousand.
This everyone was shocked by Yang Xiu’s courage. Just now, everyone added the price from one hundred and thirty thousand bit by bit, but it was a bit nerve-racking to carry so much.