
"Lao Yang’s meal is ready. Let Wang and them come over for dinner. We’ll talk after dinner …" Dry elder brother, they are chatting in the living room. From the kitchen, Yang Feng has the same sound.

"Ha ha, let’s go. Dinner is ready. Let’s eat this meal first, but it’s almost half an hour since you’ve been waiting for you …" Yang Baohua said with a smile and got up while brother Gan and Ouyang Cheng got up and followed Yang Baohua into the restaurant.
ShengJiWei remember home after eating this special dry elder brother to prepare meals, dry elder brother and Yang Baohua and others chatted in the living room for a while. Obviously, Yang Baohua really didn’t take dry elder brother as an outsider. "Xiao Gan Xiao Feng is now the official side of the harbor, and he is still young and tender. He can’t be in charge yet, and the harbor is not peaceful. Please take care of it for me …"
"SEC. Uncle, you are welcome when you say this. I don’t worry about it. I can’t guarantee that no one will take advantage of the wind in my harbor …" Brother Gan assured with a smile.
"Ha ha, well, I’m relieved. Although it’s a province, Changcheng and the seaport are separated by five or six hundred kilometers. I sometimes can’t help it. Besides, things here are more complicated, and all aspects are not so peaceful …" After listening to brother Gan’s words, Yang Baohua said with a generous laugh that officialdom is not a provincial party committee, but even in the central government, it’s all about infighting. The surface is calm and the waves are dark. It depends on whether you can play or not!
"My uncle Bai told me about it when I went to Beijing a while ago. I know that others outside can’t bully those moths in our country. Can you turn over the sky?" Dry elder brother nodded to Yang Baohua said.
"Well, master didn’t see the wrong guy well done! By the way, did you do the fishing for the island last month? Little South Vietnam was so bullish the night before yesterday and I yelled that I gave up my troops and apologized the next day. I went to Beijing to hear about it … "Yang Baohua suddenly asked about the sensational fishing in the country last month. He asked his master if he smiled and didn’t tell him, so he asked for proof.
Dry elder brother didn’t speak at this time is nodded slightly. Yang Baohua laughed and patted the tea table around him and said, "Ha, ha, good, good, dragon is dragon! It’s so small. Chapter 31 is just acting!
"Ha ha it’s nothing juwan people! We can’t watch the country being bullied by those little bastards and be indifferent! " Dry elder brother said with a smile
"yes! This sentence is good for you! A Chinese man should bear this burden! Alas, there are not many young people as enlightened as you now, otherwise our country will be stronger! " Yang Baohua nodded in agreement with the Taoist officialdom after listening to Brother Gan’s words. He knew that there were still a few real ordinary people in these bureaucrats. In front of the officials, they all went bad and played tricks to win over gangs.
"It’s okay, Uncle, there will always be a steady stream of young people with aspirations and pursuits. I believe that through the efforts of your generation and our generation, our country will become better and better …" Brother Gan said with relief.
"Ah, I hope so! Society is like a rough tide. One day, we old guys will be photographed on the beach. The world will still be your young people’s world! " Yang Baohua said with a sigh, then picked up a cigarette and lit it. He smiled and said, "Forget it. Are you married?"
"Not yet, Uncle. I don’t want to get married so early at the age of 2034. Let’s do some business first …" Brother Gan replied.
"A good man should do something earth-shattering. Don’t be tied down by those little things. When you really achieve something great by your own efforts, when will you get married? Don’t forget to tell two uncles that you must drink your wedding banquet!" Yang Baohua nodded and commended.
"I know the second uncle will never forget you and the same wavelength! Just don’t forget to take the red envelope! " Dry elder brother jokingly replied.
"Ha ha, don’t worry, although your second uncle’s salary is not too high, you still have a red envelope!" Yang Baohua said with a smile and then turned to look at Ouyang Cheng and asked, "What do you do, Xiao Cheng?"
"My second uncle, an executive in a company in seaport, is to follow the elder brother …" Ouyang Cheng respectfully replied that compared with the elder brother, Ouyang Cheng is much more restrained. After all, there is still a gap between the scenes he has seen and the elder brother. The popularity field is gradually cultivated. After all, there are still few people who can gain insight into events in a small cottage like Zhuge Liang.
"Ha ha, that’s pretty good. Follow Xiao Gan, then do it well. I can tell you that Xiao Gan, this guy doesn’t usually follow him, and you will definitely achieve something great!" Yang Baohua smiled and suggested to OuYangCheng.
"I know my second uncle. I will study hard with my brother and never let you down!" OuYangCheng nodded to ensure that way
"Ha ha, that’s good. It’s awesome. Before you know it, we are all old …" Yang Baohua sighed that although he was just fifty years old, he was already tired after hanging out in officialdom for so many years.
That night, Brother Gan and Brother Ouyang Yang Baohua chatted for a long time at home until eleven o’clock. At last, Brother Gan got up and said goodbye to Yang Feng when he saw them off. In two days, sometimes he went to see Brother Ouyang and they went for a drink. Because this meeting took him three days, he was still excited these days when he and Brother Ouyang drove out of the provincial party committee compound. He didn’t expect that he, a mixed person, could one day enter the provincial party committee compound and sit and laugh with a ShengJiWei, and it was realized so early! He asked, "What is the identity of Yang Feng, a dry elder brother?" He is not as old as I am, so he became a deputy mayor of a deputy provincial city. I’m afraid that ordinary people struggle for a generation and can’t climb to the top. And his second uncle, who is in his forties and less than fifty years old, is the politics and law Committee of Dongshan Province. This is not something that ordinary people can do … "
"Ha ha, the wind surnamed Yang wants to go ….." Brother Gan didn’t say much about what it was to smile and flow such a sentence.
Yang? Ouyang Cheng’s brain is running rapidly thinking about the top officials of the Central Committee. When he thought of the name Yang Zhongren, he was shocked. To have this strength, there will be Yang Zhongren, the first vice chairman of the National General’s current Military Commission! Ouyang Cheng was relieved when he thought of this, but he was still not sure and asked, "Brother Gan, do you think it’s Yang Zhongren?"
Dry elder brother didn’t answer whether he smiled slightly or not. Ouyang Cheng looked at dry elder brother several times and saw that dry elder brother didn’t talk and knew that he was right, so he asked himself another question, "What did dry elder brother juwan call you Tianlong just now? And the fishing island thing, did you really do it? "
"That was a long time ago. I’ll tell you when it’s time to tell you …" Brother Gan replied.
"I did it for nothing!" Ouyang Cheng nodded his head and didn’t ask what to do. At this point, he knew clearly that Ouyang Cheng was excited and shocked. He always knew that Gan Ge was very strong, but he didn’t expect that it was so strong that he had an impulse to worship. What kind of kitchen knife did the tiger help? To put it bluntly, Gan Ge’s eyes were not even fart. One country’s soldiers were afraid of one or two gangsters! While driving, Ouyang Cheng remembered the words of Uncle Yang Feng and himself just now, "Doing well with Xiao Gan will definitely achieve great things!" When he first arrived, he was still a polite person in Yang Baohua. Now that I think about it, it’s the truth.
"Brother Cheng, go back and have a good sleep, and then I will go to find a great tiger and two tigers the next day. They have to solve this matter resolutely. Otherwise, if it drags on for a long time and leaks the news, I will be passive. Although wannabe is inconspicuous, sometimes it can shake the tree, which is a headache …" When I get to the small hotel, Brother Gan said to Ouyang Cheng, who never spoke all the way.
"Well, I know, brother!" Ouyang cheng capable replied.
The next morning, Brother Gan and Ouyang Cheng got up after breakfast and called Li Hushan to bring ten brothers from the plain city to play a game. After the call, they got up with Ouyang Cheng and went to the great tiger farm.
When the dry elder brother and Ouyang Cheng came to the great tiger farm, the great tiger and the second tiger lost their arrogance and respectfully greeted the dry elder brother yesterday, nodded with satisfaction and then asked the great tiger beside him, "Don’t you two brothers have names? Great tiger and two tigers are so awkward every day. How about this? You are older than me, and I’ll call you Big Tiger Brother and Two Tigers. Just call them Two Tigers … "
"Oh, this can not do elder brother, you are the boss, how can you call me elder brother! You’d better call me Dahu. It sounds comfortable to me! " When Dahu heard this, he quickly said, after all these years, he has never played like this. Wherever he goes, he has to judge his seniority. Where is the eldest brother and the younger brother? It’s strength, not age!
"What eldest brother after the second is a brother, not so much attention! Besides, you are older than me, and I should call you Big Tiger Brother. Don’t think too much about it. I’ll introduce our Loyalty Hall brothers and you to a harbor later, and there is another Tiger Brother over there. Now there are more two tigers in Changcheng. I hope that one day the three of you can play the names of loyalty, loyalty and three tigers in Dongshan! " Dry elder brother said with the wave
"Brother Gan, you can rest assured that my two brothers, Dahu and Erhu, will never let you and your brothers down!" Great Tiger almost burst into tears when he heard Brother Gan address him as "Brother Big Tiger", because he has been mixed up for more than 20 years and no one has said such sweet words!
"Well that’s good! Let’s go and take us to see your two tigers in Changcheng. I have long heard about your brothers’ names, especially the two tigers’ anti-corruption heroes … "Brother Gan smiled and looked at Dahu and Erhu and said.
"Ha ha, that’s an old story. Don’t do it now …" Two tigers said with an embarrassed smile when they heard the "anti-corruption hero" of the elder brother.
"At that time, you did a good job. It is commendable that the country got rid of a big moth!" Dry elder brother said with the wave, and then as the great tiger and the two tigers brothers turned around the two of them.